New-Episode-Related Insta-Rec Post 5.3

Sep 25, 2009 14:43

As you come across awesome gen codas and tags and missing scenes and meta and picspams and reviews and what-have-you from the new episode, please rec them here for other gen lovers to find. I always have a hard time sorting out the great new gen after new episodes, so let's make this post a resource for us all. I'll do one of these for every new episode, and it will be AWESOME.

No need to use the formal rec format, just give us a link and whatever else you think is pertinent: author, length, what kind of fic it is, the rating, etc. Warn for possible triggers, though. Thanks, guys!

Comments will undoubtedly contain SPOILERS. Exercise your own discretion.

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insta-rec post, recs: episode-related

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