Everybody has something they're sorry for - that time Jared ate all Jensen's gummy bears, or that time Sam shot Dean, or that time Bobby made possessed!Sam drink holy water and Sam had a sore throat for a week... Or, hey, that time Dean went to Hell and Sam spent the next six months running the Impala on regular gas instead of premium unleaded! I mean, hey, there's mistakes, then there's downright negligence.
And so, from
egoteprovoco, our new challenge:
Repentance! Everyone has something to regret or appologize for. Sam for not saving Dean, John for not keeping them safe, Dean for that time with the itching powder...
The way we see it, there are as many ways to say you're sorry as there are ways to screw up. There are food apologies ("Oops. Hey, dinner's on me!"), present apologies ("Sorry I shot you; hey, here's some new underwear!"), and heartfelt apologies ("Sorry I let you die; here, have my immortal soul"). There are brotherly apologies (*shoulderpunch*) loving apologies (*cuddle*) tearful apologies (*sob!*) and truly meaningful apologies ("I know, I was a jerk, but come over here - I'm totally nekkid!")
For the next week, your challenge is to make somebody sorry, then make them pay. Apologies will be accepted (or not!) until Sunday evening, July 27.
And we really mean it this time!