Over the course of EVP's production thus far, I've managed to gather a relatively small collection of recordings that haven't fit into an edition - whether because of space, timing or theme.
As I am planning on having a hiatus over the holiday season (I will be busy, as will readers), I was considering posting a bunch of 'supplementary' files, in non-themed, non-podcast (as in, no music/intros/additional audio) format, to keep listeners entertained over the break. And also, to give these readers/files/stories a chance to be heard!
There are a number of ways I can do this. I could post links to each individual story file for download. I could edit files together into hour-long blocks, attempting to group with themes (so, angst or fluff, for example), as well as the slash/gen divide. Or I could forego posting supplementaries at all!
It all depends on what you, the listeners, want. So tell me via this handy poll!
Poll EVP in the holiday season If you have another suggestion, let me know and I'll consider it :)
While I'm here, another thing I've been considering that I'd appreciate your feedback on.
spnfic-podcast is obviously a very specific, single-purpose community - for the production and distribution of the EVP podcast. And you all know about
spn-audio-novel, right? That is also quite specific; for the audio posting of novel length fanfic, chapter by chapter.
Well, I was considering creating a more umbrella community - spn-multimedia or somesuch - to allow for the posting of both podcasts and novel-length audio fic and more. It would have open membership, allowing me to post notification/links to new editions of EVP, and people at spn_audio_novel to link to new chapters, as well as the opportunity for folks who want to be involved in neither to post their own recorded audio fic.
Do you think that would work? Or is it entirely unnecessary?
In addition, it could also cover other SPN multimedia projects - So, anything that isn't a vid, fic or fanart (as these things are pretty much already covered!). So you could post not only your audiofic/podcasts there, but notices about your hard-copy zine(s), filk songs, etc... even costuming or other non-typical art. Any SPN fan-material created outside of the usual fan mediums (art, fic, vid).
Would it sink or swim?
Feedback would be much appreciated :)