Hi guys!
Weekly Pimpyo again!
kelzies pimps:
Title Varying icons of the Js and two headers
Medium Icons, and headers.
Rating, Genre, warnings: None, and none. Unless you haven't seen 5x16. Then yes.
http://community.livejournal.com/nightofthehuntr/21814.htmlSummary Some icons of The Js at ChiCon 2009, and various Supernatural icons. And like mentioned above - two headers!
trueshellz (that's me!) pimps:
Title Lips are Sealed
Medium Fic
Rating, Genre, warnings: J2 RPS, Gen- NC-17
Clicky Here (Chapters linked internally)
Summary Marketing assistant Jensen Ackles hates flying and one particular flight means that he blurts all his secrets to the stranger next to him. But that stranger has a bigger connection with Jensen than he thinks.
Remember pimpin' makes me happy! And keeps the cobwebs out the posts too.
Please comment and link to any of your new spoiler free fic, art, icons, vids, meta or anything else splendid you create this week!
Anything spoilerfree is welcome (please see the rules in the profile) - all ratings/genres too, but do please include that information in your comment. If there's any pairing, be it Slash (inc Wincest) or Het, then we'd like to know please. :).
There'll be a round up of everything linked next wednesday and a new post will open up :D.
Title: Le Story
Medium: eg: fic
Rating, Genre, warnings: NC17, Het, RoadhouseHunterFred/Ellen Spoilers for AHBL II
Link: HTTP:\\wenchpixie.livejournal.com\link.html
(if you're mailing us, please include your username :))
And for your convenience: