Best Laid Plans - Masterpost

Sep 11, 2015 08:54

Title: Best Laid Plans
Author LJ Username: powerfulweak
Artists LJ Username: obnoxiousamy
Pairing(s): Fem!Gabriel/Fem!Sam, Lucifer/Fem!Sam, Brief Dean/Castiel,
Rating: M
Wordcount: 27,611
Summary: Gabrielle Milton enjoys what she does: planning weddings and making dreams come true. She talks down bridezillas and settles family disagreements with just a few choice words, ensuring that every couple she meets gets the fairytale they want, even if a wedding is the last thing wants for herself.

However, when Samantha Winchester, bride-to-be of Gabrielle’s former classmate Luke “Lucifer” Park, walks into her office, her world is turned upside down, and all of Gabby’s plans are tossed out the window.

Warnings: Infidelity, Angst,
Link to fic masterpost: AO3
Link to art masterpost: LJ, Tumblr

rating:r, pairing:gabriel/sam, pairing:cisswap

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