Title: The Broken Heart is Blind
2blueshoesFandom: CW RPF
Wordcount: 17,785
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Jared/ Jensen, Jared/OMC
Genre: Crime thriller, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Warning(s): Off-screen abuse and serious dub-con, violence associated with mobs and police films, a heavy amount of inspiration from The Departed, Angst
Sammichgirl has been patient and kind, and whatever I missed is certainly not her fault.
Prompt(s): Written for the
spnaubigbangNotes: This is late, and that is due to yesterday being a mixture of work and a painkiller funk. Thanks so much to my pinch-hitter artist
2blueshoes, the understanding mod,
Clex_monkie89 for advice and support, and
Sammichgirl for helping me figure out the ending I should have used. Also, to Justin Timberlake and The Black Keys who helped write this by making excellent music.
Disclaimer: This never happened.
Summary: Jensen Ackles would be on top of the world, rising in the Pileggi organization and put in charge of the biggest deal in years, but all of the accomplishment is tarnished by the loss of his boyfriend Jared Padalecki. Jared broke his heart, left him for the Boss's son, but Jensen is beginning to believe he's not the only one keeping secrets.
Art Master:
Art PostFirst part:
First PartSecond part:
Second part