#56 - let there be cake!

Sep 28, 2011 01:27

Happy New Year, Jewish folk! :)

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2. No linking between RL and online identities.
3. Keep the actor gossip to these posts or take it to spn_gossip.

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Re: last author standing anonymous September 30 2011, 17:08:05 UTC
Aw damn. Well, meme, in that case I give you my crack fic for the last spn-las challenge. And others should post theirs too because I want to read them.

As Sam Winchester awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a marionberry pie.

Naturally, he was not at first aware of the exact nature of his predicament. He thought to himself that he could not feel his legs, his arms, that he could not see. Alarmed, he came to several likely conclusions.

First, that his spine had been severed. From experience, he knew this did not feel like much at all, that it was a sort of loosening of the body, as if one’s skeleton were a single elastic band stretched taut, and as if it had snapped, sending the limbs and neck into an uncoordinated, unfeeling jumble. How would this happen while he slept? And what of his blindness?

Second, he imagined that his arms and legs had been sawed off. A forced anaesthetic could have been administered, still holding him in its dulling thrall now. Perhaps his eyeballs had been dug from their sockets. Did they sit nearby, watching him flounder?

Third, and directly related, he considered that he was being eaten alive. As a child, made aware quite young that this was among the possible ways he could meet his end, being eaten alive was a frequent tense daydream of Sam’s. He had, of course, witnessed others eaten alive, and the knowledge of the body as an object so easily deconstructed was an uneasy thing to carry. As a boy, he bit his fingernails to the quick, until they bled. He tugged out strands of hair from his head and nibbled at them. He pinched his flesh between his fingers and frowned at its easy malleability. It was easy to imagine now: the red mess of his meat laid bare and the shatter-shrapnel of bone.

But it should hurt, he thought. It should hurt, and also he could not see. Options exhausted, panic crept in.

Presently, he heard his brother’s voice.

“Whaaat? Dude. Yes. Pie.” He launched into a song whose only lyric was “pie”.

As to how a marionberry pie has the power of hearing, that is a topic this author is not qualified to discuss. Leave it to this, that it seemed at first a mercy.

Sam strained to speak. His voice would not answer him. He felt his mouth, a dry and cracking “oh” shaped and static. There was the noise of puttering nearby, there was Dean’s nonsense-humming. Sam knew that Dean must see him, he must. Perhaps he appeared merely asleep? And so he must speak, he simply must. Still, his mouth would not move. His mouth did not feel like his mouth.

With all his will and self, Sam pushed out at the world. He became conscious of a bubble of air rising up from within himself, and from its passage he was able to determine certain facts about the state of his body: there was not much of it, and what remained was nearly gelatinous in texture. He was slop, held together but he didn’t know what. He wasn’t a body so much as a mass, indistinct, paralyzed.

The cruelty of his continued consciousness hit him fully. Unlikely, merciless, his mind ticked on. He heard the clink of metal. Of a knife? Of a spoon? Of Dean carrying on without him. He wished for oblivion.

Through some means Sam could not name, he sensed his brother very nearby. He could have sobbed for the comfort of it, and would have tried, had it not been that just then, he experienced a feeling so singularly unsettling that he felt a sort of nausea of the soul. He felt himself breached, cracked open, crumbled in on, the miserable insides of him cut and scooped, pulled apart. He felt some part of himself ripped out. And then, sickeningly, he heard the sound of his brother’s chewing.

His mind rebelled. No, a litany of no. A fervent prayer of not this, no. But it was this, it was, finally this: Sam, dissected and sent down Dean’s gullet piecemeal. No irony in this, no poetry or metaphor, only revulsion. Sam wished and wished for the end of it, but an end simply would not come. He remained awake and feeling until he felt Dean’s utensil scrape the very bottom edge of him.

Until he heard his brother say, one final time, “Oh, hell yeah. Hell yeah, pie.”


Re: last author standing anonymous September 30 2011, 22:18:16 UTC

Nonnie. This is wonderful and beautiful and all things awesome and I love you.


Re: last author standing anonymous October 2 2011, 05:11:08 UTC

You are very kind to say so, nonnie.


Re: last author standing anonymous September 30 2011, 23:55:12 UTC
*wipes away a tear* This is fantastic.


Re: last author standing anonymous October 2 2011, 05:11:36 UTC

*hands you a tissue* Thank you, nonnie.


Re: last author standing anonymous October 2 2011, 15:56:50 UTC
Kafka redux.



Re: last author standing anonymous November 7 2011, 11:14:25 UTC
There is definitely some kind of poetic justice to this. The universe is clearly very mad at Sam for always forgetting the pie.



Re: last author standing blackrabbit42 August 24 2012, 11:03:06 UTC
He launched into a song whose only lyric was “pie”.

:) :) :) :)



Re: last author standing anonymous August 24 2012, 11:33:12 UTC
*pokes* Anonfail. :)


Re: last author standing anonymous August 24 2012, 11:35:38 UTC
Not a memer, I think. Someone recced this fic on rocksaltrecs.

Personally, I think we should ignore the "be anon" rule in this case, considering they're leaving comments. I really hope the writer of the fic sees them.



Re: last author standing anonymous August 24 2012, 11:37:51 UTC
Oh, that makes sense. I wondered why someone was leaving comments on a ficlet from last year. In that case, forget what I said! There was no fail.


Re: last author standing anonymous August 25 2012, 10:07:25 UTC

Awwwesome. Horrifying. Kind of hilarious. Here via the rocksalt_recs rec, yup. Also slightly in awe of the wayback of some of the tracking nonnies. Guys, I fear your omniscience :).


Re: last author standing anonymous August 25 2012, 10:26:43 UTC

We are watching you. Always. C_C


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