Women of Supernatural gen flashfic challenge #28

Oct 04, 2008 09:04

Here are the prompts for the Women of Supernatural gen flashfic weekly challenge #28.


1. Write about Mary's charm bracelet (or the charms on it), what it means to her. What happened to it? Is it to Mary like Dean's amulet is to Dean?

2. Deanna's back story.

3. Write a fic using the following prompts: engine, pine needles, cherry soda.


You know what makes us sad? There are prompts in the flashfic challenge with no stories. *woeface* Imagine all those lonesome prompts.

BONUS CHALLENGE: write to one of the prior prompts. Don't worry if it already has a story or not -- the idea is to get more stories on the older prompts (if you want to poke through the comm to check if an older prompt you like has stories, feel free, but don't sweat it).


You can post your flashfic at any time or do any of the prior prompts. Background pairings are fine so long as the main focus of the story is gen.

Full challenge guidelines.

Prior prompts.

wos gen flashfic challenge, weekly gen flashfic prompts!

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