It's continued...

Oct 28, 2008 18:47

Title: A New Time Chapter 2/?

Author: spn_wiffcheese   Non beta’ed

Words: 2,671

Characters: Sam, Ruby, Blaze (demon Dean)

Ratings: R for dark imagery and language

Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters.  Kripke is my god and I bow as his humble servant.  This is my interpretation of Blaze the demon Dean.

Teaser Trailer:  What if Sam followed a different path and he didn’t get in touch with his demon blood?  What if time was set on a strange line because time?  This is what I think would have happened had someone gone back in time and screwed with the Winchesters.

Chapter 02

Chapter 02

“You…you…you can’t be Dean.”  Sam stared at Blaze.

“I’m Dean but I’m not.  I was Dean’s soul.  I’m demon now, hell broke me.”  He lowered his gaze for a second.  Ruby put her hand on his shoulder.

“We have to act quickly.  Demon’s sense each other when we are up top.  Someone is bound to know we are here.  I’m capable of handling myself.” Ruby brandished her knife.

Sam felt a tingle of power when he saw it.

“I am quite capable; they don’t call me Blaze for nothing.”  He said holding out his hand and fire appeared from nothing.  “It’s great for when you don’t have a lighter to burn corpses.”  Blaze chuckled.  “I can do a lot with fire manipulation.”

It made sense to Sam but he still didn’t grasp the concept until Blaze almost got in the driver’s side.  He smiled putting his hands up and backed off.

“Sorry, habit.”  Blaze said.

“Dean never really got to drive.”  Sam said getting in as Blaze got in the back and Ruby sat in the passenger side.

“In the real time I did.  You remember where Bobby lives?”  Blaze asked.

“Yeah but I haven’t seen him in years.  Does he still hunt?”  Sam wasn’t sure.

Ruby smiled wickedly.  “Oh yeah he does.  He killed the last body I inhabited but I got away.”

“That has to suck jumping from meat suit to meat suit.”  Blaze said.

“Maybe but I’ll always be pretty.”  Ruby shot back at him.

“I’m pretty.”  Blaze grumbled.

The rest of the drive was silent.

When the Impala pulled into the driveway a light was on in the house.  When they got out of the car the light was off.  A gun was cocked to break the stillness of the darkness.

“Who goes there?”  Bobby yelled from the porch.

“It’s Sam.  Sam Winchester.”  Sam called out standing in front of the group.

“John’s boy?”  Bobby questioned.

“Yeah.”  Sam said his hands in the air.

“Who is that with you?”

“Two friends.  Can we talk?”  Sam asked.

It was silent for a few moments and then a blast of porch light broke the dark.  Bobby still had the gun pointed at the group but mostly at Blaze.

“Sure come on in Winchester.”  Bobby said.

Sam entered the threshold just fine.  But when Blaze and Ruby tried they ran into an unseen force.  The threshold was blessed.

“Your friends are demons Sam.  I thought John taught you better.”  Bobby said pulling out some holy water.

“I know they are.”  Sam said trying to get Bobby to put away the bottle.

Water started to fly from the bottle towards Blaze.  Hell’s fire burst forth from his fingers.  Sam expected the holiness of the water to counter his flames and still hit him.  Never expect things, Sam thought to himself as the flames cut through the holy water like normal fire through air.  The water turned to steam and then nothing before it got within Blaze’s personal space.

Bobby pulled out a cross and started to say a quick exorcism.

“Wait Bobby.”  Sam cried out as he made Bobby drop his arm down and the cross with it.

“Are you nuts, boy? They are evil.”  Bobby said trying to fight off Sam’s grip.

“They may be that, but they have an interesting tale to tell.”  Sam said.  “You are going to have to let them in.”

Bobby looked at Sam like he was crazy.

“Don’t bother.  My fire burned through his parlor trick.”  Blaze said as he and Ruby stepped through.

Bobby kept a close eye on the two strangers as they took a seat at the kitchen table.  “Sam if they do something I’m holding you responsible.”

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