Challenge 24 - Changing channels

Sep 14, 2013 20:25

Challenge 24 - Changing channels

Change the show's genre

What you need to do:
So, we've switched gender, now I want you to switch genre. What would Supernatural be like if it was a romance? What about a western? What about a sci-fi? What about a soap opera? A cop procedural? A hospital drama? See where I got this challenge from?

You may produce up to 50 points worth of stuff showing supernatural in another genre. You may only make stuff for one genre but partial points are available so if you want to produce 50 points worth of sci-fi fic that's awesome, if you make one cowboy icon that's awesome too.

You may post direct to the comments, in the social comm or in any other publicly available space. If you post somewhere else you must link to it here to get points.

We'll use the points structure from the big bang. I've copied it below to remind you.

Points: Up to 50 point + 1 point sigtag bonus

Deadline: 23:59 EST Wednesday 25th September

Meta: 6 point each 100 words
Icons: 4 points each
Drabbles: 2 point each 100 words.
Ficlets: 10 points each per 500 words
Longer fics (multi-chapter or multiple fics): 50 points per 2000 words.
Medium Graphics: 6 points per edited medium graphic *Minimum size = width + height = 800 pixels total
Large Graphics: 8 points per edited large graphic. *Minimum size = width + height = 2000 pixels total
Picspams: 2 point per two images
Gifs: 4 points each.
Fanvids: 20 points per 30 seconds (NOT including opening or closing credits/bumpers/titles). Maximum 50 points per video. No slideshows allowed.
Fanmixes: 50 points -- Requires front & back covers (size: 300x300 minimum), and with at least 10 songs either uploaded or linked on youtube.

challenge 24, open challenges, round 1

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