Clarification and reminder

Jul 26, 2013 08:56

Clarification and reminder for mini-GISHWHES

1. I said this in the first post where we made ideas but forgot to say it yesterday so, for clarity, this is a TEAM CHALLENGE. Each item needs to be found once per team. This means you need to TALK TO YOUR TEAM MEMBERS to get this challenge done.

2. Apparently I took this out of the posting guidelines in editing. Ooops. Sorry. If you've done it differently before this don't panic, just switch to this way for now. Submit each item as a NEW COMMENT to the submission thread, not as a REPLY to another comment. This is because if we pass a certain number of posts lj starts collapsing threads so I might not see your submission when I add up. Also, make sure EACH ITEM IS IN ITS OWN POST. Again, that's to make it easier for me when adding up points.

open challenges, challenge 16, round 1

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