Kind of. I got a call from some lady who claimed that she was in "dire need of help" because she thought her house was haunted by a poltergeist. I mandhandled Ed and Harry into coming with me, even though Ed was still high on his trip to the gay bar and Harry was... Well. Casey and Adam are our new interns, and they came along, too!
When we got to the house, Harry immediately wanted to turn back. Ed told him not to be a pansy, and Harry was so quietly offended that they didn't talk to each other for the next ten minutes. Until Ed felt bad and shared a chocolate bar with him. Anyway, here's what the place looked like:
We decided to split up. Adam and Casey went one way. Casey was really stoked to be there, obviously. There was some tension between them, but they kept it really professional. Thanks, guys.
Unfortunately, they ran into some trouble, and we discovered that it wasn't a poltergeist causing all the trouble in the house...
Meanwhile, Ed was in another room, investigating.
He found this:
Weird, right? I mean... What the hell is that all about? Anyway, Harry and I paired up and were looking around the basement when this little green fairy showed up. Harry laughed at it and swatted it away. She was pissed.
She worked some crazy fairy mojo on us...
...but all it did was make me want to kiss Harry. She must not have liked that because she did this:
When we all gathered back together, we noticed that the faeries had joined forces. Creepiest thing I've ever seen in my life.
We realized we probably weren't going to win this one, so we bailed. Casey used her telekinetic powers to malatov cocktail the crap out of the place.
(OOC: Pretend it's a house, 'kay? Too lazy to photoshop it :D)
Hope the owner of the house isn't too mad about it. There's literally nothing else we could have done to help her.
All in all, it was one of our more successful missions. If anyone knows of anyone else in need of help with the supernatural, let us know!
Oh, and feel free to take one of our business cards. *points above* We've got a lot.