So the triplets needed to go for a check up.
Basically I had to make up some huge long lie about how Becky couldn't get away from work, and how 'Chuck' was briefly out the country so he wouldn't be reachable and I was just baby sitting for the day.
And then the doctor lectured me about bad parents which I obviously took great offense to and asked is the nurse was going to be taking over. I think the doctor took the hint then that I didn't want to speak with them anymore.
Anyway, the nurse was as lovely as I remembered her being with us pre-birth.
That's her with them there. Apparently for triplets they are pretty advanced in their developments and that they might be early walkers but don't get too hooked on that idea because pushing them would be no good.
Everything was fine, she wrote some notes that I could give to the 'parents' and tell them not to worry, they probably have to work hard to feed and dress triplets.
Lovely, off I go and who should I bump into but Toby. (For those of you who don't know who he is, he was one of the receptionists from when we rescued Ed). And he was once again adorably sweet and I'm trying to tell him that I'm married, trying to tell him I'm actually a guy would be a little too difficult, and he keeps trying to hint at us going out for a drink and I don't know how not to crush all his confidence, because he really is too nice for his own good.
Then a work emergency came up half way through his story of how this guy some how got out last week... I may have frozen slightly when that topic came up. And he was off, his number handed to me and I hadn't gotten around to telling him that I was married so, um, any help? Anyone?