J2 Sports AUs

May 03, 2010 08:09

I don't know if it's the competition and rivalry heating up into something else, or the mental pictures of the boys in tight pants, or the interesting ways that characterization can be explored in a sports AU but whatever the reasons for its appeal, I can't get enough. Below are some of my favorites. Please, please, please rec yours in comments!

Topspin by lazy_daze (Jensen/Jared, NC-17, 50,000 words)

Defending Wimbledon champion and world No. 1 tennis player Jensen Ackles is determined to hang on to his title, no matter how good Jared Padalecki, rising star on the tennis scene, thinks he is. With Padalecki's new reckless style, explosive power and natural grace pitted against Jensen's own beautifully strategic, strong and watertight game - all that's for sure is that this is going to be one Wimbledon final match not to be missed. With a media-painted rivalry turning into a mutual dislike that's almost as explosive as the badly-hidden attraction sparking in the air, there's more than a tennis ball flying between them.

When tension explodes into more, and more becomes again and again, how will this unexpected connection affect them, their games, their careers? Will they be able to put aside everything that's against them and make something real out of what was never meant to happen in the first place? And as emotions get stronger and the competitions fiercer and Wimbledon's upon them again, history will repeat; and under the English July sun, new history will be made.

This fic is so incredible. Incredible construction, incredible relationship development, incredible sexual tension, incredible matches, and an incredible ending. I am a huge tennis fan, and play a lot myself (badly), so the action scenes were an absolute pleasure to read, so well put together that I felt like I was watching a match, or playing one. Complex, fun, hot, and absolutely engaging.

I Think It’s Time to Give This Game a Ride by dugindeep (Jensen/Jared, NC-17, 37,000 words)

Jared Padalecki loves his summer softball, and his team doesn't take it too lightly either. They play with a vengeance and are still in a deep, hate-filled rivalry with the league's other hot team. Jared's play lights up when he hooks up with Jensen Ackles, but will the hot streak last all summer long? He has to face the rivals and what created it in the first place.

I hang out with a lot of amateur jocks and this story is so damn true to the spirit of weekend athletes that I fell instantly in love with it. Jared’s growth is especially gratifying, and Jensen and Jared’s relationship is uniquely explored through a fairly common trope.

Next Man Up by timewillbe (Jensen/Jared, Sandy/Jared, NC-17, 97,500 words)

Armed with strength, size and instinctive talent, Jared Padalecki is the first round draft pick for the faltering Dallas Cowboys. Quickly granted a multi-million dollar contract and heralded as the hopeful future franchise quarterback, Jared is thrilled to be a part of the team he grew up idolizing and is all too eager to take the next step in what should be a long and promising career. However, Jared soon realizes he has a much tougher road ahead than anticipated when he meets the prickly Jensen Ackles, the team's veteran QB and Jared's number one competitor for the starting roster spot.

In a league ruled by money, celebrity and ego, where the roster changes week to week and injuries aren't so much a risk as a fact of life, Jared must prove himself capable of leading one of the NFL's most glamorous and controversial teams back to glory. And in the process, must deal with his teammates' potentially career-ending secrets and his own burgeoning, confusing relationship with Ackles.

This story is so good that I don’t even know what to say about it. The football culture is perfectly depicted, the characters - from most prominent to secondary - are each engaging and real, and the author doesn’t go for the easy or obvious ending, which might disappoint some readers but makes the story richer, in my opinion. It’s long, but you won’t notice the length - you’ll be too busy gobbling up the story.

One for the Good Guys by cdeacon (Jensen/Jared, NC-17, 23,000 words)

Jared is an up-and-coming pitcher with a checkered past. If he wants to play in the big leagues again, he'll have to figure out how to work with Jensen, a has-been catcher with a serious attitude problem. (Loosely based on The Taming of the Shrew, with some Bull Durham thrown in.)

Fun. Bitchy!Jensen type fun, which is my favorite kind. Jensen is Jared’s CATCHER, wink wink. And okay, TMI, but I have a thing for guys in catcher’s gear, so the mental images alone were enough to keep me interested, but the fast pacing and awesome dialogue and characterization took this beyond catcher!porn and into a really delightful story.

Down the Rabbit Hole by gatorgrrrl (J2, PG-13, 4,400 words)

Jensen and Jared are competitive alpine skiers. And while Jared's at the top of the sport, Jensen's simply looking for one last big race.

Gah! I love this SO much! The style packs in a TON of characterization elements into a short space, and the support and tension and competition between Jensen and Jared is SO HOT.


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