So, I don't know about you, but one of my favorite spn fics include Dean finally figuring out that he might, maybe possibly love Sam. Some are more about the humor, others the angst - all of them deal with Sam and Dean living out of the other's pocket and they are ALL awesome. Here are four that stick out in my mind for one reason or another. Please let me know if you have other favorites in a comment. And remember if you find a fic you like, take a moment to let the author know. :D
Like Some Kind of Ball and Chain by
not_refined. 1,200 words. PG-13. Author Summary: Dean Winchester, meet the love of your life. Sucks to be you, huh? This short fic says so much without many words. Each scene brings Dean a bit closer to understanding. The author keeps it light and funny but with a certain lovely gravitas as well that makes it so much more emotional than pure comedy fics.
Two Queens by
belyste. Adult. Author Summary:Dean tries to figure out why so many people think he and Sam are a couple. The answer is…surprising. Every once in a while I go back and re-read this and each time I am caught up once again in the lovely language of the author and the thought progression she is able to take Dean through. It's absolutely hilarious and also completely perfect. And Sam finally explaining it all to Dean is one of my favorite things ever.
Breathing Hard by
whereupon. 9,000 words. R. Author Summary: The day Dean figures it out. The fact that I can visualize each scene and hear the boys perfectly in my head is just one of the reasons why this is such a great fic. There's the case the boys are on, the bickering, and another author who just nails Dean's voice. A delightful read.
The Epic Love Story of Sam and Dean by Stele3. NC-17. Author Summary:Set in the future, after the demon is dead: Dean tries to figure out where to go from here. This was written before the end of Season Two and though it's been jossed in canon it continues to in my top five list. Dean's voice is wonderful. The boys' relationship is messy and complicated and at the center of it all if their love. Absolutely amazing. I think I know sections of this fic by heart I've read it so many times.
Enjoy everyone!