Endings are Hard....

May 28, 2016 13:24

Wendy -

On behalf of firesign10 and myself - thank you for all you've done for SPN_themes. We are honored that you are willing to let us take over and we know we are filling Sam Winchester-sized shoes!

A few notes going forward -

All posts will be open as they have been, and tags and memories will stay the same as well.

Firesign and I are looking at the posting schedule. Those of you who are currently reccing or have recced in the past - any suggestions on the frequency, etc. would be very welcome.

As to reccers - We would love for you to stay on, but we know RL and other obligations get in the way. Feel free to drop us a PM letting us know the following:

1. Do you plan on staying
2. Do you know of anyone who might be interested in becoming a reccer.

There will be a general post in the next week or two asking for volunteers but we'd like to get started so there's no interruption in service. :)

We are excited to continue this - our fandom old and new needs to experience the fantastic writers and their wonderful tales.

Again - thank you Wendy for giving us this opportunity to continue. We hope to do the community justice.
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