Long time coming

Apr 25, 2016 04:09

There are stories where our two main characters meet and fall in love. And there are stories where our two main characters meet and take ages and ages to fall in love, sometimes spanning years of slowly falling for each other. I still can't decide which ones I like best, but here are some recs for the latter type.

Back to You (It Always Comes Around) by pianoforeplay
Jared and Jensen meet when they start filming. And then life gets in the way.

Passing on the Left-hand Side by withdiamonds
When Jared and Jensen meet, they instantly click. But both have their lives - and partners - are miles away from each other.

The Extra Light Switch by checkthemargins
Season 4 has it out for Jensen until he moves back in with Jared. Four years later is apparently the right time to start something between them.

In Becoming Who We Are by errant-jane
Years after a failed relationship with Jeff, Jared moves in with Jensen. But Jensen has a "no sex with roommates" rule and too much to lose.

The Only Constant by lazy-daze
When Supernatural ends and Jared decides to open up an animal shelter, his friendship with Jensen gradually changes.

A Year in Life by akintay
After Jared's breakup with Sandy, he doesn't need much. Jensen fills the space in his house nicely.

After the Tone by kashmir
After Supernatual ends, Jensen moves to New York. He ends up having a lot of one-sided conversations with Jared's voice mail.

slow build

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