Season 4 And Beyond--Bait--Sam/Lucifer--Adult, NC-17

Jun 29, 2009 21:55

Title: Bait
Pairing: Sam/Lucifer
Rating: Adult, NC-17
Theme: #1--Season 4 And Beyond
Prompt: Lucifer Is a She
Word Count: 875 words
Summary: Lucifer is a female and she wants Sam.
A/N: Since Lucifer has been referred to as male, I've tweaked the prompt a bit. Hope you like.

The first was Mary, in New York. The second, Eve, he discovered in Chicago. The third he possessed here in Florida, and that little, limp-haired nothing would have Sam Winchester.

*He*, Lucifer, would have Sam Winchester.

There had been others, but these three cows had particularly amused him. He'd loved being inside them, wearing their skin. Their breasts. Their cunts. Hair and nails and brains and their simple, limited thoughts, their feeble, girlish lusts, their wills as weak as flower petals...three librarians. Women with flattened feet caged in ugly shoes, who smelled like books and box lunches, too afraid to deal with men except from behind a desk, but he'd educated each of them, oh yes. Mary fucked some homeless cur in the children's stacks and Eve was licked by her first woman on the marble floor of the Winter Garden room...


It was hurricane season here, and he had helped it along, wrapping dirty clouds that bulged with rain around the library, forked lightning and rumbled thunder, making the library a warm, inviting island for love-starved bookworms. It was sultry outside but cool within, and his woman's nipples hardened to hungry points under her clothes' flimsy armor. She grew wet. She breathed deep, and Sam Winchester's sweetness filled her nostrils like cotton candy, a treat just a little burnt around the edges--her nose twitched and she sneezed, the noise like a stifled gunshot in the quiet room. Lucifer giggled as snot ran from her nose and she went hot with embarrassment, grabbing a tissue to swipe off the dangling, sticky evidence.

Sam had looked up from his heavy volume, blinking through his thick fringe of hair(damnation, the lad had pretty eyes), the tousled head on that long, elegant neck sloping down to broad shoulders and the strong, delectable body beneath.

Lucifer brushed at his mind and felt it tremble, the strength of a gutted house, its supports weakened but still standing. The child had released him and regretted it, and now he was searching for a way to send him back, or destroy him. Lucifer ran an idle mental finger along his cow's clit, and felt her shudder. Young Winchester's search would be fruitless--at least here, for now. It was time to give him a taste of pleasure, a hint of what could be his. It might surprise many, but Lucifer believed in paying debts, and he owed the boy thanks for his freedom. And what an ally this Winchester would be, if turned...the power. The delights. A fair exchange for his loyalty and love...

*Move, bitch.*

She shuddered but obeyed, awkwardly pushing her glasses back up her shiny nose, then scooping up the nearest pile of books and staggering out from behind the desk. Chivalry being dead, no one looked up, let alone moved to help, and he clapped out thunder as she drew abreast of Sam; she jerked, her hip brushing his elbow, and dropped the books right by his chair.

"Oh!" he made her gasp, all flighty, feminine helplessness (with a mini-orgasm tossed in to heighten the effect), and she knelt clumsily, her long, narrow skirt hobbling her somewhat. The view, however, seemed to momentarily captivate his target as she stretched out her hand for one of the scattered tomes, her surprisingly fine ass outlined by the tightened fabric, breasts swaying.

It worked. Sam pushed back his chair.

"Let me help you," he said, and hunter-quick, he gathered the books into two neat stacks on his desk, then held his big, dusty hand out to her. She took it, and Lucifer nearly moaned at the sweet slide of flesh on flesh. "Are you hurt?"

"Oh, no, no, I'm fine--" She fluttered out a laugh.

He bent again, displaying his own impressive posterior, scooped up something from the floor and handed it to her. "Your glasses."

"Oh, thank you." She put them on.

"Not broken, are they?"

"N-no..." Lucifer felt her body twitch as she smelled the boy's musk. Sam dimpled at her and she blushed and looked down. Lucifer felt his own palms itch as he tracked the tempting ridge of cock. "Thank you, um--"


"Thank you, Sam. I'm Sarah."

*What?* Lucifer blinked as an odd chill swept over him, sent by the sudden dullness in Sam Winchester's splendid eyes; he straightened and stepped back, and he couldn't have been further away from little Sarah if a fence of thorns hadn't shot up between them.

Sam turned and scooped up his bag from the desk. "I've gotta go," he said, his voice low, his face shuttered and cold. "My brother's waiting. You okay?"

*Don't let him GO!* Lucifer yelled.

"I'm fine," Sarah said hastily. "Sam, wait--" She reached out for him, but his sleeve slipped through her fingers like water.

"I can't." He moved swiftly away from her. "Goodbye."

"Sam!" she nearly wailed, and several people did look up.

An elevator opened. He was gone.

*Bitch,* Lucifer growled. *Stupid, stupid bitch.* Yet he knew it wasn't entirely her doing. Something had gone wrong.

He led her back behind the desk and released her with a faint, then struck the tree outside with a lightning bolt.

Then he felt better.
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