Season 4 and beyond - Power Switch - Sam/Dean - G

Jun 18, 2009 22:04

Title: Power Switch
Character(s)/Pairing: Sam, Dean
Rating: G
Theme: Season 4 and beyond
Prompt: If Ruby had not shown Sam that demon blood would give him power, would he have realized his abilities on his own? - By “my-sam-dean”
Word Count: 1.356
Summary: Lucifer is about to rise and Sam and Dean have to stop him. But how? Sam thinks his demonic powers might be the key. But does he know how to use them?
Notes: Beta read by deviltrap. This is my very first Supernatural fic, so be nice. ;-)  (And LJ is giving me a hard time right now, so bear with me...)

Blood. It’s always the blood.

Since that moment in Michigan when he moved that closet with his mind, in order to save his brother, Sam had been thinking.
That power that he felt deep inside of him, was it good or bad? It felt good to use it, but was it right? He got it from a demon, after all. So, could he trust himself, to not misuse it one day? It’s something, Sam had been struggling with every day. And he wasn’t sure about talking to Dean about it. His brother made it crystal clear that powers like these always were bad and that he would hunt everyone down, using it.

Lost in thoughts, Sam didn’t hear Dean yelling at him. “Sam… Sam!… Sam!!” Dean was pulling at his jacket and he finally snapped out of it. Sam looked at a bright white light in front of them, right where he just finished off Lilith, and he remembered the last seconds.
The last seal was broken and Lucifer would walk free any moment. What had he done? He was so stupid to listen to Ruby all those months, thinking that she was on their side. But instead, she was just playing games with him. And everything she had done, all the good while helping him and Dean, it must have torn her up inside. Especially, when she was protecting Anna. An angel, for God’s sake! She even got tortured by her own kind.
But in the end, it was all for this moment. And in her eyes, it was worth the pain. Probably, even worth her own death.

But now, Sam needed to focus. He started this mess, he had to end it. But why did he have to think of his demonic powers at right this moment? And how did he kill Lilith anyway? He never thought that he’d be able to do it, but Ruby was always confident. And then he just did it.

All these things flooded Sam’s mind and he barely noticed that Dean pulled him away from the light.
“Sam! Let’s get out of here!” But Sam stopped. “No Dean. I have to stop it. I started all this, now I can’t let him rise.” Dean looked at Sam with shock. “Are you out of your mind?! Let’s go as long as we’re still standing!”
Sam looked at Dean for a second. “I have to.” He pushed Dean out of the room, closed the doors and locked them. He heard Dean yelling, but he couldn’t make out what it was. It didn’t matter. He turned around and saw that the white light was dimming.
What he saw surprised him. There was no black smoke, like he was used to it from demons. Instead, he saw a glowing figure rising from the floor. Sam felt its presence, its power. It was pure, pure evil.

There it happened. Lucifer had risen. It was too late, all too late. Sam stared at this figure that, slowly, was becoming something you could call a humanly shaped creature. But there was no face, no real body. It seemed like it was just imitating what it saw. Sam.

Sam tried to brace himself when he heard a dark growl coming from the creature, like the sound a hungry beast would make. And it was hungry for power. Sam’s power. Somehow, Sam knew that Lucifer could feel the dark in him. And he wanted it badly.

In the background, Sam heard Dean hammering against the door. He was glad that he had locked him out. At least one of them would survive this. So he hoped. He had to do everything to not let Lucifer out of this room. Even if it would cost him his life.

But Sam had no time to think about it any longer. He knew he had to trigger his powers - somehow - because it was the only shot he had against Lucifer. Sam held up his hand, closed his eyes and concentrated. Nothing happened. He took a deep breath but again - he didn’t feel anything at all. How did he do it the first time? When Dean was in danger, it seemed like no real problem that his active powers manifested. And if this situation was no danger, what was? He had to, he just had to find the switch. Sam concentrated until he felt his head aching. With a moan, he fell down on his knees and felt warm blood dripping out of his nose.

Sam didn’t wan to give up, yet. He tried again. And failed. He didn’t want to believe it. After all they went through, this would be how it ended? For a second, he had to smile. It was just absurd. “No!”, he said out loud and looked at the harsh white energy, still hovering in front of him. It didn’t seem like Lucifer was going to do something. Like he was waiting for Sam to do something. Or nothing.
When Sam thought that thought, he heard the growling again, louder than before. And that was when he felt that extreme heat coming closer to him. He wanted to move, run, scream - something! But he couldn’t.
So sudden that he didn’t feel a thing, Lucifer drove into him. But then Sam felt a burning around his heart. Grabbing his chest, he fell on his hands and gasped for air. What he felt could only be described as that he was about to be ripped out of his own body.
That is what Lucifer needed - a strong and healthy body, so he could walk amongst humans.
Sam felt a pressure on his lungs and almost couldn’t breathe. He tasted blood and was sure that it wasn’t only his own, but also Lucifer’s. Their blood was mixing. Only a few more moments and Lucifer would have fully taken over him.

Sam felt a black cloud covering his mind. And at this very second, he felt the undescribable power taking over him. Suddenly, everything felt easy and light, but also wrong in a way that Sam felt that he had to fight these feelings, that he couldn’t let them take over. And that little part of him that was still left didn’t want this - and he fought.
“No!!”, he screamed again, with a voice that almost wasn’t his anymore.
Like out of nowhere, Sam got a hold of a part of Lucifer’s power, that he, mixed with his own, used against Lucifer. He got up on his knees again and put all of his strength in this one chance he had. He felt the battle of the two persons inside of him in every fiber of his body. But the pain felt incredibly good. It meant that he was still alive and that his body was still his.
Sam screamed and reared up and he felt the struggle inside of him. Of course, Lucifer didn’t want to give up this strong body that easy, filled with a power not even Sam could imagine, yet.

A sharp pain went through Sam’s limbs and he thought he couldn’t hold on any longer, when a white light, fast as a lightning, shot out of his chest and through a window and out into the night.

The door opened and Dean just saw Sam falling on the floor. “Sam!” Dean was at his side in an instant and held up Sam’s head. Dean looked around but there was no sign of Lucifer. It was deadly silent.
He looked at Sam. “Sammy, hey, wake up! Sam!” He felt his pulse and sighed. “Thank god.” Sam started to cough and Dean helped him to sit a little straighter. “Sam, what happened?” Dean asked when Sam finally opened his eyes. Weak, but alive, Sam just said, “Blood… It’s always the blood.” He sounded very thoughtful.
Dean sighed, looking confused. “Sam, I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I’m glad you’re still here. Where did that son of a bitch, Lucifer, go anyway?” Again, he looked around.
Sam looked at the open window where Lucifer escaped. “Just… out. I don’t know. But it has just begun.”

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