Fulfillment (Team Heaven)

Jul 19, 2009 22:51

Title: Fulfillment
Characters: Castiel, Raphael, Mary, Dean
Rating: PG-13 for minor language
Warnings: Spoilers up to the end of Season 4.
Summary: Castiel never realized the scope of his own destiny until this very moment.
Word Count: 1735
Disclaimer: I STILL don't own them. I know, shocking.

Angels, being created in the same instant, had no age. They had rank, yes, honors and privilege. But none was more or less significant then the other. So it was puzzlement to Castiel as to why he had been having these notions. He was baffled. How could he sense an existence of youth in comparison to his brethren? Why was he pondering if his duty, which he perfectly executed, was good enough? Despite his acceptance of his roll and contentment in his service, there was unrest.

“You are troubled.” The heavily encompassing presence of Raphael suddenly surrounded him. The lesser-ranked angel was startled. The presence of an archangel was not something to take lightly. One often didn’t see them unless they were at the receiving end of their fury. Occasionally, though, they would appear for guidance.

“What is it, brother?” Raphael settled beside Castiel’s form, genuinely concerned. He had anticipated reprimand. “Do not let your fears fester? It will only lead you towards dangerous considerations…possibly disobedience.”

Castiel sat for a moment. Words needed to be chosen carefully. It was a delicate situation that he found himself facing.

“Your duty to our father has a weight most of us could never bear. Instead we serve him in the ways in which we were created. Yet, is there not some greater way I could serve him? Is there not an additional duty I could perform? I cannot yet feel the fulfillment of his approval and love with such the radiance that shines clear in your and our brothers and sisters’ grace.”

“The answer to that simple.” The sound of his words was even, precise. “IT is because you have not yet received the orders you were intended for.”

“Then wh-“

“One day you will be called to a task, one that will test your faith, strength, and allegiances. You will be the one to guide the one that is intended to lead those of the mortal realm to paradise. The weight of the war that must come will be you, Castiel.” Raphael spoke, a hint of pride in his voice.

Castiel was silent. The task he mentioned was far greater then he was prepared to hear. It was something he’d expect Raphael or one of his kind to take upon them. Doubt etched the surface of his being. He could hear amusement in Raphael’s voice as he spoke once again.

“You are more than capable, brother. I know because it was I who suggested you to this duty. I have seen your determination, your doubts. Believe me, Castiel. You are the only one who must make the necessary choices. We are not all knowing. Not even our Father is. But what we can see is the potential that lies within each soul.”

With a reassuring breath of warm air the archangel was gone, leaving Castiel only to his thoughts.

“Hey there little guy..” Mary whispered into the delicate ear of her newborn, the little boy fast asleep as she held him cautiously. John had finally been persuaded to go home for the evening. It had been quite a task, asking him to leave his wife and firstborn to their own devices. He was always a protective man. She was lucky he could never say no to her for too long. And even though the nurses had urged her other wise, she had begged them to let her talk to her son for a few moments before they took him to allow both rest.

“It’s a pretty scary world, isn’t it?” She asked him, his little eyes opening a little bit before closing. She chuckled. “Don’t worry though. It’s just you and me right now. Just like it was before. I promise that as long as I’m here, no one will ever hurt you. Not human, not demon. Anyone.” She reassured him, with a weary strength.

She knew what moved in the shadows. She knew the dark deals she had to make. She knew that one day things might grow beyond her control. Regardless, she would protect her family. She had to.

“Worry not, Mary.” A firm voice filled the air. Mrs. Winchester gasped, holding her son tight as she looked up to see a lanky man standing within the shadows.

“WHO are you? What are you?” She growled, trying to sooth Dean as cries began to emit form his throat as he sensed her discomfort. There had been no one in the room a moment ago.

“I am an angel of the Lord.” The voice was completely unfitting of the man who came, doctor’s coat flapping behind him. It was deep and coppery, rough around the edges, an unlikely juxtaposition to the form before her.

“Like hell you are!” She spat.

The clear sky outside her window instantly grew dark. In one quick flash of lightning Mary saw the shadow of a great pair of wings curve around the walls of her hospital room. Its tips reached around to her bed. Slowly, as the sky cleared she felt herself warming. It was as if the thing before her was trying to hug her without touching. It was protective. Comforting. She immediately felt ashamed.

“Believe me. It is the safety of your son that is of the greatest importance to me.” The angel stepped forward, eyes asking. With her nod he reached down to touch the infant’s head. Dean shushed instantly, head swiveling to the touch. A smile spread across the angel’s face. He trailed a single finger down the baby’s cheek. The baby grinned and burst in giggles as he managed to find the digit with his first and cling on with great pleasure.

“Why?” She asked, watching with great interest at her son’s sudden delight.

He will guide humanity.” The adoration in the voice was nearly overwhelming. It brought tears to Mary’s eyes.

“His trials will be great, his losses will be many. There is nothing we can do to prevent that. It is a necessary cost. But believe me, Mary Winchester.” The angel in the form of a man kneeled down to look at her evenly. “I will keep him safe and deliver him from his pain when his need of salvation is greatest. I will guard him when even a mother’s love cannot reach him. As long as I exist, I will see that he lives to the glory he has been destined to have.”

Mary nodded, grinning widely. The dark anticipation she had of the possible future for her son had evaporated. She looked down with pride at her son. When she looked back up, the man in the white coat was gone.

The light that surrounded Castiel and the prophet was blinding. He heard Chuck hissing at his right. They would not harm him. However, Castiel had disobeyed. He had gone against their wishes. He prepared himself for the fight for his very existence. Yet he had no regrets. He knew Dean was right. He knew that his brethren’s ideals were unsound.

Humanity was so beautiful. It did not deserve to burn to gain its reward. It needed another chance at life. Their fate should come naturally. It should not be forced upon them by a war they did not create.

“You have left us, brother.” Raphael’s voice found him first. He could see the forms of Jeremiel and Jegudiel behind him. Yet they seemed to be frozen, unaware of Raphael’s words. “Would you leave our father’s will as well?”

“I have left those who would judge humanity. They have trailed from our Father in his absence. They consider not that our Father’s command must be given before such an act should transpire. They have taken upon actions they have no right to authorize. They have felt abandoned by our father, and chosen their own paths. It is they who have discarded faith in our father. They have been tempted, brother.”

“We do not know Father’s will. His absence may be a test, and I fear that they are failing it. I cannot condone those actions that would bring so much harm to the creations Father so loves when he has not spoken to us of his plans. Words given long ago by prophets are easily misinterpreted. The word of our father is not to be questioned, but we cannot venture to give it meaning ourselves.”

“But it was it not your own belief that leads you to this path? Have you not been persuaded? You’ve been convinced of these actions not by us, the closest hands of our God, but by a mortal.” Raphael accused.

Castiel paused. Instead of shrinking away or admitting defeat he stepped forward. Looking directly at the higher ranked he stood tall.

“You told me that it was you who chose this path for me. You had faith in me then. You said I would be able to guide the one who would lead. I have taken him to his path. It was not said to be the road of angels.”

“Dean Winchester is meant for the way of our father. Our father breathed life into man just as he did us. He loved them beyond all. Beyond us. Do you believe he would have them destroyed? Dean has not lived his life through the will of heaven, but he has always existed for the betterment and safety of humans. He has lived for the love of his kind. His heart is in the same place as our Father’s. It is one that he will continue. Will you not let me walk with him? Is that not my task?”

For a moment, Castiel thought he would be struck down in that very breath. But Raphael was merciful. Now was no different. A smile spread wide across his face.

“Go, brother. May these actions in time heal the rifts that have shredded our kind apart. Go with my blessing, but know this. I am not able to hold back the fury of all others unlimitedly. If you do not return with repentance you will be outcast in the eyes of many. You must return victorious from these battles in the name of our Father. Only then will their hunt of your soul cease.”

Castiel nodded. He had thought his battle had been over. It was never clearer to him that this was only the beginning. This was the purpose that had been given to him so long ago.

character:castiel, team heaven, -round 4: broken-beaten-damned, author:nightswhisper

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