(no subject)

Jul 05, 2009 22:52

Title: Northern Star
Author: NightsWhisper/Nalana
Characters/Pairing: Castiel, Elizabeth, hints of pairings that can be ignored.
Fandoms: Supernatural/Stargate: Atlantis
Rating: PG
Summary: Among the twisted screams and mornful pleading was a single silver strand; a sorrowful song of regret.
Word Count: 1237
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, nwope!
A/N: Inspired by a crossover vid idea I had. Couldn't resist!

The search for the soul that turned out to be Dean Winchester was a tedious task that had taken its toll on the angels. Listening to the thousands of screams within hell’s veil was a tedious and agonizing task. It wore them down, thin, the battle for the soul not even having begun. Castiel had become a master at it, wallowing through the cries and pleading of each soul until he could single out those most desperate and longing.

It was only those who had barely skimmed the barrier between limbo and the two heavenly planes that rang with even a twinge of truth. It was a skill that had taken far too much concentration to simply fling to the side even after he had managed to drag and purify their warrior back into existence. IT was impossible to simply switch off.

When the angel sat in silence, when the terrors of the impeding war were not pressing, he’d find himself listening to the line of souls. Often the results were sickening. But after Dean had cried to him, sobbed, broken, Castiel had started searching again, hoping that perhaps they had been mistaken. Maybe, just maybe, there was someone else who would be able to complete the elder Winchester’s task.

That’s when he had seen it, that one silver stain. A voice so weak and trembling that it barely registered. The frailty of it drew the angel in, causing him to look closer. The soul was not within this world, nor was it within any of the celestial realms. It existed outside of known physical or ethereal space. It was a being that had no corporal or angelic form. It should not be.

But it was there. She was there. She was alone, abandoned, undeserving of the position she was in. She sang a sorrowful song, one that should never reach human ears. It would shatter hearts. Castiel reached out his essence to this being, wrapping himself around the tiny speck that it was. The voice grew stronger, leaning into his metaphysical arms. She was happy for the presence of another.

They stayed there, entwined, consoling each other without ever asking. He could clearly hear her pain. Castiel could only conclude that his own doubts and regrets tainted his being as well. He clung, and in his presence she shared her story with him.

She told him of her human existence. She told him of the people she lead, loved, and how she had been cast out to save them once. She shared the tale of her brief return, and her decision to ascend into this way of being in order to keep her people safe as opposed to presenting them with any more danger or causing them any more doubt. She told him of the joyful times of their downtime. She regaled with intensity the tension of silence when comrades were in peril. She told him of the thrill and fright of battles, of creatures that seemed just as horrible as demons. She told them of friends, of the one she loved, of those who she despised but could never say.

And when she had no more left, she told him of her own regrets. Had Castiel tears, he would shed them, he thought. He wished for nothing more then to provide the being comfort. But when she was lost to all existence, not even the promise of his father could be provide her. The thought was shaking. He tried to cling tighter, and for that she was thankful, he knew.

In exchange, he shared his own troubles. He let her hear of the struggles of heaven and hell. He confided in her all he could not tell anyone, not even his charge. The relief the exchange brought was invaluable.

But he could not stay there forever. He had duties. He had his own people. He had his mission. He had…everything she had lost. The thought did not go unnoticed by her. She did not radiate with jealousy as most human forms would. Instead, there was compassion. There was recognition. Above all, there was encouragement. There were thanks. And, at last there was a farewell.

Castiel returned.

Every once and again, Castile would stop. He would listen for that sound, look for that light. When he could, he would sing back. He would offer her his ear. He would share with her the wonders of the new world that was being built. She would offer her own thoughts, something that did nothing but encourage and reinforce his decision to disobey. It was a secret comfort he kept for himself.

He listened, patiently, until one day the voice was gone. It had disappeared from the void it was in. Castiel searched the world, the heavens, the galaxies, and finally hell. But it her voice couldn’t be heard. He had lost his star. It left a hollow feeling in him.

“I’m telling you Cas, you have no LIVED until you’ve tasted this pie!” Dean nearly bounced as he strolled down the street leading the renegade angel behind him. Castiel followed, not listening, perplexed as the thought of his lost friend crossed his mind.

“You’re not even listening are you?” Dean asked. “One of these days-ah! Sorry ma’am” Dean stopped, nearly knocking into someone.

“Oh that’s fine.” A woman laughed. Castiel’s vessel drew in a sharp breath. His eyes traveled over to see a pair of green ones staring back.

“…Do I know you?” The woman asked, her voice only a breath above a whisper.

“Hey, Elizabeth there you are. I thought you were headed-“ A tall man with dark hair jogged up to them, stopping at the sight of the other two. “These two giving you trouble?”

“NO... No, not at all. I’ll be right there. Tell the others they can go in without us” She smiled reassuringly, ushering him on his way. Turning to the hunter and angel she held up her hand, then stepping forward to offer her hand to the angel.

“It was a pleasure to finally meet you, Castiel.” Her words were heavy with emotion. Castiel’s held his hand out to grasp onto the woman’s with a firm shake.

Instead of letting go, she came closer, drawing him into a hug. Castiel blinked rapidly. Slowly he returned the gesture.

“Thank You.” She whispered.

“…You’re welcome.” He replied, squeezing her tightly as he had wished to so long ago, to provide what he simply hadn’t been able to all those years ago.

Letting go she grinned from ear to ear. She looked over at Dean, who was looking simply baffled. She cocked her head at him slightly, her grin growing as she looked back to Castiel who simply nodded. The woman burst out laughing. Castiel looked over her shoulder and nodding in the direction the man had disappeared in. She blushed. He smiled, something that made Dean sputter where he stood.

“I’ll see you…” She finally concluded waving, turning to walk away with a wink at the hunter.

Even as Dean tried to question him about this apparently secret joke, Castiel kept his silence. There were some things that did not need to be known. This was one of them.

That night, when Castiel was left to his thoughts, he did not search. He relished the peace. The quiet of the universe brought him comfort. For once, the stars shined without the taint of morose.

team heaven, author:nightswhisper, -round 3:crossover, rating:gen

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