Refuge -Chapter 1- (Team Heaven)

Jun 25, 2009 23:09

Title: Refuge - Chapter 1
Author: NightsWhisper/Nalana
Fandoms: Supernatural and Shelter
Characters: (primarily) Dean, Anna, Sam, (SPN) Zach, Jeanne, Shaun (Shelter) focus/center on Castiel (SPN) and Cody (Shelter)
Pairing: eventual Shaun/Zach, possibly Cas/Dean
Rating: PG-13 (some light gore in this chapter + Dean's mouth)
Disclaimer: I do not own either Supernatural or Shelter. I only like to play in these worlds.
Summary: A race between angels, humans, and demons for a lost soul ignites, bringing an already dysfunctional family into a world they never knew existed. Is it too late to save the soul, the world, and the people effected by the new life that results?
Spoilers: Season Four, Shelter for characters
Word Count: 1,538 to date
A/N: Blame solarbaby614 For giving me the starting idea for this fic, encouraging my plotting, and for showing me "Shelter" in the first place. This is my attempt at writing a multi-chapter fic as fast as I can...and hopefully succeeding to finish before the deadline runs. If this isn't allowed please let me know.

I don't have an exact chapter count yet...hence the ???...because while I have an outline, I'm constantly changing what should go into what chapter.

You don't need to know Shelter to read this fic as I don't use the plot of the movie/have to alter the timeline a little. That and many people haven't even heard of it. :)

Aging walls trembled with a violent force as an echoed chorus of “GO!” rang through the narrow passage. Three figured stumbled into the greeting room of the stone castle. Behind them the crimson light of Lucifer’s fury illuminated and melted what was around them. Castiel’s brow tightened, his heart throbbing in his chest. He had to do something. At this rate, the brothers would never make it out.

“GO! Get out of here! I’ll hold him off!” He ordered, pushing them ahead of him.

“No fucking way, Cas!” Dean yelled over the roaring noises. “Last time you said that you came to us in shreds.

“Sam! Get him OUT of here.” Castiel growled at the younger brother, knowing Dean wouldn’t listen to him. The younger brother nodded using his height to counter his brother’s strength to pull him towards the light streaming in from the entrance. Dean flailed, struggling against his brother. Castiel’s face flashed with pain. He knew what he had to do. He also knew this would probably be the last time he saw either of their faces. It hurt his heart that this was the expression that would be imprinted on his last moments.

Nodding his head when his eyes locked with the elder Winchester’s, he whispered that it would be okay. The hunter would never hear it, but he hoped it would give him comfort. He had far too much guilt on his shoulders already. Castiel didn’t want to be another burden. Seeing that they were safely out of reach he turned, facing his former brother’s raging form.

With the sacred sword they had excavated from the depths of these ruins he sliced his hand. Fluidly swiping his wrist he quickly drew the most powerful binding spell into the air that he knew. The incantation that accompanied it to make the now glowing fluid hang in the air spread across his vessel’s lips. Lucifer froze, growling and straining against the invisible blockade. Confident Castiel raised the blade above his head.

Time slowed. He could see the more powerful creature stretching the barrier, clawing his way through. Castiel’s eyes widened. Terrified he swung the blade, throwing his entire body into the motion. The blade sliced through the barrier and demon. Lucifer flinched as he was struck. He roared, his form flickering. It gave Castiel only enough time to turn and scream at the Winchesters to run.

Castiel’s knew two things at once. The first was that he heard someone screaming his name, a blood-curdling ear-piercing screech of protest. The second was a burning sensation that pierced his chest. Looking down he saw the devil’s claws gripping at the flesh on Castiel’s front. He knew what he was searching for. And it wasn’t Jimmy Novak’s heart. Castiel’s eyes flicked up at the brothers. Gripping the sword he flung his body back deeper into Lucifer’s clutches in order to thrust the sword back into the corrupted angel. With his last thought, he screamed defiance.

“I’m tellin’ ya’ that was bull.” Dean shut the hotel door behind him, the rickety walls of the second rate hotel shivered at the motion. “There’s no way two pieces of pie should come to ten dollars! It wasn’t even that good.”

Sam nodded in agreement, sinking down onto his own bed. He continued to nod at his brother’s ranting. He had stopped listening some time about an hour ago. These days it didn’t seem like his brother ever shut up. But that wasn’t the cause of his hypnosis.

“Sam? Hey. Sammie. You listin’?” Dean frowned. “Mum was an ugly toad who hated you.”

Sam nodded. Dean sighed. He sat down onto the bed beside his brother. Nudging him, he finally got Sam’s attention.

“What’s with you, Sam? You’ve been all spacey lately. What’s goin’ on up there behind that wrinkly forehead of yours?”

“…Whoa, wait…what’s wrong with ME?” Sam blinked, looking at his brother with a little bit of shock. “Dean…Why the hell are you so happy?”

“I’m always happy.” Dean shrugged.

“…Dean. What about-“

“Look. He put off Lucifer, didn’t he? We got the might sword of all holiness, and I’m going to take that son of a bitch down for it. But there’s not a damn thing I can do about that.” Dean snapped, a hint of his underlying tension coming out. “Cas it dead. He saved us and ended up dead like a lot of others. End of story.”

Sam froze. His change in posture didn’t go unnoticed. Dean tilted his head at his brother. What was going on with him lately? Why was he so touchy about this? Yea, Sam acted like a chick some times, but he never really cared one way or another about the angel. Though if he looked at Dean with those pity eyes one more time he was going to sock him a good one.

“What is it Sammy?

“Nothing!” Sam stood up, rubbing his hands along his pant legs. “Nothing. Sorry. I guess I'm just a little spooked about the whole if an angel can’t kill it thing.”

Dean glared. Sam buckled. Dean stood. Sam sat. And sighed.

“Dean… I didn’t want to tell you this. I mean it’s probably just a coincidence. And there’s a lot more important stuff I should have been looking at, I know…”


“…I'm not…I’m not sure that Cas is dead.” Sam finally mouthed.

Dean swallowed although his mouth had gone dry. Slowly he sat down again. The words weighed on his shoulders like lead. “What?”

“Sammy…he was gutted. There’s no way…” Dean mouthed.

“Well, yea. But…Okay this sounds crazy, I know but… I think right before he died…he fell.” Sam’s voice dipped as he leaned towards his brother. “Like Anna did. Look, I checked afterwards. It turns out that there was a small meteor shower in three parts of the country. I think maybe he fell so that he’d live.”

Dean stared at his brother, his jaw opening but no sound emerged. He turned his focus to his feet. Sam watched as his brother’s face contorted for a moment before quickly recovering. Tight jawed he nodded slowly.

“Good.” Dean’s voice cracked. “He can have a normal life once we settle this score.”

“Actually, Dean, I’m not sure we can give him that luxury.” Both brothers jumped to see Anna, looking a little worse for ware, standing behind them. “In fact I know it.”

“Sam, I need to tell me those locations.” She wasted no time. “We MUST find Castiel. Without him, we have no hope of defeating Lucifer.”


Pacific Bluffs was a tucked away torn up coastal Californian suburb town with one deep poverty line and one passionate community. Despite the troubles of the city its people were in high hopes. Everyone was blissfully ignorant to the world with the exception of Zach Reynolds. He kicked at a pebble on the curb absent mindedly as he turned the curb that lead down to his house.

Zach was learning an important lesson: life sucks. He had been a good guy. He cared for his family, busted his ass off to maintain his scholarship to a near by private school, and rubbed as many elbows as possible. But where was he? Here. Headed towards a disaster of a home because he couldn’t trust his sister to make sure their dad was taken care of.

He was stuck. It didn’t matter how big his dreams were. It didn’t matter that he worked morning, noon, and night between school and his part-time job at a local dinner. And it sure as hell didn’t mean anything that he had just been accepted to one of the most prestigious art colleges in the U.S. let alone the West coast. No, all of it was worth shit because he actually had a heart. It was down right ironic.

Then again, nothing seemed to matter anymore to anything. Slowly the crime rates around the world had been rising up. People turned against neighbors. New illnesses crawled up to baffle scientists. Religious nuts were wailing about the apocalypse while neighbors had taken a trip back and time and were yelling witchcraft. Sometimes Zach wondered if everyone had simply gone insane.

Slinging his front door open after pushing the key in, he thought he could hear shouting. As usual his sister was snapping at their father over something. What was weird was that he could hear their father yelling back. A jolt of panic rippled through Zach as he made his way into the building.

“Hey! Whoa! What’s going on? I could hear you half way down the street.” Zach asked, jolted when he saw the trails of mascara that lined his sister Jeanne’s cheeks.

His sister looked at her feet. Their father, despite his old injury was looming in the corner with a deep scowl on his face. Zach couldn’t think of a time the man had ever seemed that mad. Jeanne started crying again, sinking into the well-worn couch.

“Jeanne? Jeanne what happened? Are you okay?” Zach paled going over to sit beside her. As much as she had tussled his life, she was still his big sister. She looked at him, and through gulps of breath finally spoke.

“I’m pregnant.”

character:castiel, team heaven, author:nightswhisper, -round 3:crossover, rating:pg-13, character:dean

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