Don't worry, we are still open for business!

Oct 08, 2010 21:32

Happy Supernatural Friday everyone!

Well, here we are, two weeks after our closing date and I'm pleased to announce that we smashed the original aim of having one completed SPN tarot deck by Season 6 and have ended up with almost double that at almost TWO full decks!

When I first started pondering the idea of this community I could not anticipate the sheer enthusiam and talent brought here by everyone. We have seen some truly stunning work created and I am so so proud to have been a part of it!

So, I just wanted to take a moment to say some thank you's (and I promise that this will be shorter than Halle Berry's Oscar speech and less blubbery than Gwyneth Paltrow's)

Firstly to my fellow mods:

miki_moo - What can I say? I am so SO glad that you answered that post of mine six months ago. You have become a true friend and I am so happy to have you as part of my life. Your work is continually gorgeous and I have seen you grow in confidence as an artist throughout the year. You are mad as biscuits and put up with my obsessive Christopher Gorham obsession, and I love you to bits for it. Even if you are a Dean Girl :-p

bt_kady - My fellow Sam girl! *smooshes* You have worked so incredibly incredibly hard on this project from the start, from designing the banners, borders and scrolls from scratch, to finishing over a HUNDRED cards for artists (and never keeping them waiting), as well as creating awesome cards of your own! We honestly could not have done this project without you!

noirbabalon - I love you to bits B! You have been a constant support throughout this project, not only to the artists but to the mods as well. Your tarot knowledge is incredible and your eye for detail regarding cards always impresses me. Your work is beautiful and I look forward to seeing what else you come up with both in this fandom and out of it. *sends hugs across the ocean*

twoexcluded - You joined this project halfway through and bought with you a huge amount of technical knowledge and enthusiam for the project as a whole. You always come up with inventive new ways to solve problems or new directions to take the project in, and I'm thrilled that we also got to see your work as an artist as well. And you always managed to keep track of things that A.D.D me may have missed. In short, you are a star!

dauntdraws - I know you are not a mod, but I'm going to thank you here anyway because you have worked your butt off on this project. Firstly, I have to mention the stunning art you have contributed. Your Sam in Detox card is still one of my favourite cards in the entire project. Your use of colour is unsurpassed. And finally....SPN ponies! \o/
Secondly, I have to thank you for the work you have done in setting up the hosting site. As someone who can barely use basic html coding I can't tell you how much I appreciate having someone with your knowledge and skill set up such a beautiful site. You and twoexcluded have created something truly beautiful that displays the gorgeous art we have recieved from everyone in its full glory. :-D

So lastly, I have to thank all of you guys, the artists (and lurky commenters). Without you there would be no project. You are all amazingly talented, every single one of you. I now always look out for all of your work outside of this project and am continually impressed (even if I am a lurky lurker and don't comment much).

So, I hope I haven't bored you all to death.

And for those worrying that this project is done for good, don't worry! Keep your eyes peeled as there will be some announcements very soon....

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