Title: As Old Medallions To The Thumb
Dodger_WinslowRating: PG-13
Pairing: Bobby/OFC
Summary: "Just a damned old dumb dog," he said, and spat to get the bitter taste out of his mouth. "Just a dumb dog." 9000 words
Author's Notes: Written for the
spn_summerlove ficathon, for Dodger_Winslow, who wanted "Bobby/Someone...and um...include Rumsfeld".
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Comments 24
- hossgal
Thank you for the great feedback.
- hossgal
(The story will get posted to an archive in the next day or two. If you want to put up a link to the story here, feel free.)
*makes note to go read other Bobby fics*
- hossgal
- hossgal
This is one of those fics that, if you cared to change the names and add a few character-identity details, you could publish this as an honest-to-goodness short story. It also made the impossible happen -- I kinda hated the Winchesters. Dog-killers!
I would love to know what Bobby might have named the new puppy.
And I think I'm supposed to say that it wasn't exactly Sam and Dean's *fault* that the dogs kept getting killed.
I'm not sure what to say about making this into an original fic story - to me, it depends on canon that we know. However, I'm not saying that the suggest didn't please me greatly.
What do *you* think Bobby should name the puppy?
- hossgal
Yeah yeah yeah...they weren't actually responsible for the dog deaths. *grudgingly accepts that* Still...gah...dog death just tears me up.
As for the puppy's name...how about "Norman"? Since Bobby seems to have a thing for secretaries and generals.
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