Title: Swimming in Suwannee
zelost_mindRating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/OFC
Summary: Dean's seventeen years old and finds himself falling for a swimmer who gives as good as he dishes out.
Author's Notes: As per the adult rating, there is sexual content and language. Word count is 11,160. Major thanks to my beta.
It's only the second week at Suwannee High and Dean’s ready to bolt. )
I'm totally delighted that you enjoyed Beth because I really wanted to do service to the type of girl she's based on (sporty, popular-by-default, dedicated to what's important to her) while making her very independent as my prompter wanted, quirky. But I also dig quirky and I LOVE writing OFCs and hope that each one is a little different. But I totally loved writing Beth, writing her against Dean was a delight.
It was nice to see Dean actually becoming friends with her before they had sex- it was nice to see a connection.
Oh coolness! Yes, I realized early on that this was the thing that would be the emotional drama of the fic, what happens when Dean realizes he doesn't want to fuck up a friendship because he's not the type to form that kind of a relationship and really values the companionship over sex. For y'know, ten seconds. Since he's a teenage boy.
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