Submission Guidelines for Summergen09

Jun 28, 2009 19:26

The minimum requirements for the exchange are in the rules post. Please make sure you've read them and understand before you submit your work. All submissions will be checked and we reserve the right to reject any submission which fails to meet the requirements. Authors: get your fics beta'd! Stories riddled with errors will be rejected.
  • Art must be submitted in electronic format - .gif, .png or jpg files.
  • Please don't send .png files with transparency - not all web browsers display them correctly. If you've got any transparency in your images, use .gif format only.
  • For any piece of art larger than icons, please include a thumbnail image no larger than 200 x 200 pixels.
  • Do not include a signature or anything that identifies you as the artist in the image.*
  • Fiction can be submitted in most common, electronic formats. .txt or HTML (.htm or .html) is preferred, but .doc and .rtf are also acceptable. (Please do not use Word's new .docx format!)
  • You must format your story ready for posting on LJ, that is with any bold, italic, centring etc already coded in.
  • You should include the header (below) in the story file, as well as in your email.
  • Do not include any fancy font formatting (that is, no coded-in colours or font styles. Heading tags are okay).
  • You must supply vids in a downloadable format. A link to YouTube or similar is not acceptable.
  • Preferred formats are .avi, .mov, and Mpeg (.mpg). .wmv is acceptable but we really would prefer the other three (yes, there is a reason).
  • You should use a file share service such as megaupload to submit your vid to us.
  • Do not include your name in the vid as an end-credit, or anything else that will identify you as the vidder.*
Header Info for ALL Submissions:

In each case, you should email your submission to summergen09 @ (without the spaces). Include in your email the following header information:

Type of Submission: (Art, Fiction, Vid)
Author: (We'll remove this before your work is posted, but we still need you to include it.)
Warnings: (not optional - see note below)
Author's Notes: (optional)
Summary: (required for fics, optional for art, vidders should state the song used here)

On warnings: Vidders and artists - here's where you let us know if your piece is safe for work. I know this is Summergen so there's not going to be any sex, but just in case anyone is using a non-worksafe song or particularly violent imagery, please do include the information. Authors, warnings are at your discretion. You are more than welcome to put "Warnings: Choose not to warn" or something similar if you prefer not to include this information. But please do include the field in your template. If your fic has nothing you feel the need to warn about, just put "none" in that field.

The summary could state the prompt you've used or could be a quote from the work if you don't like to use a regular summary. But please do include something here.

You may add additional fields to the header if you wish (e.g. fic writers may wish to include spoiler warnings), but you must include everything in the header as given above.

* No signatures on art/vids: this rule is essential as this is an anonymous gift exchange. However, once the authors/artists are revealed, if you would like us to replace your submission with a signed version, this can be arranged.

ETA: Just in case you need the reminder - submissions are due on AUGUST 1ST. If you need an extension, or if you feel unable to complete your assignment please let us know sooner rather than later, so we can arrange for a pinch-hitter. See the rules post for how to let us know.


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