And that's a wrap!

Sep 10, 2020 10:23

As Supernatural wraps filming... so too do we wrap up Summergen. Thank you SO much to all who participated, as creators, as commenters, as cheerleaders, betas, and all in between. This is event is made by the quality of everyone involved, and I feel like each year Summergen exceeds itself. YOU ALL ROCK, AND NOT JUST ON OCCASION. <3333333

Creators, you are free to post your fanworks to your personal journals, accounts, wherever! And if you'd like to add your work to our AO3 Collection, please go right ahead.

Below the cut, please find a full masterlist with summaries and creators revealed!!

FIC: Choices by annie46, for jdl71
Dean has been turned into a vampire. Can Sam save him or will he give in and allow Dean to turn him?

FIC: In Search of the Unknown by septembers_coda, for theplaidfox
Sam reflects on faith, God, and a rare good memory. He then decides to lead Dean, Cas, and Jack in a (much lighter-hearted than usual) “search of the unknown”.

ART: Bewitched by Sammy by kirathehyrulian, for excoyote
Witch trans!Sam taking a nightly ride through the sky on a traditional broom with her owl familiar.

FIC: Dream Rescue by kingstoken, for shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod
When Dean is put under a sleeping curse Sam finds a way to save him in an unlikely place

FIC: Death Dreams by jdl71, for red_b_rackham
Dean has been having nightmares, ones that he can’t shake, even when he’s awake.

ART: Rowena with Wings by theplaidfox, for kingstoken
First painting is watercolor art of Rowena hovering in the night's sky. She is wearing a slinky navy dress and is sporting two large auburn wings with white undersides. Sparks of swirly magic burst from her hands. The second painting is zoomed in to highlight Rowena's face and upper torso.

FIC: Washing Away the Hurt by giacinta2, for theatregirl7299
Dean is in urgent need of clean pants. Unfortunately, the bunker’s washing machine has broken down. A trip to the nearest laundromat seems the only remedy. Sam gets dragged along too.

FIC: Going Mobile by amypond45, for verucasalt123
Sam gets his own damn car. Rowena approves, but Dean has issues.

FIC: Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides by borgmama1of5, for Bagelcat
Growing up, Sam learned it wasn’t worth the effort to make friends when you were going to be gone in a few weeks. Starting his third year at Stanford, Sam has an apartment, a girlfriend, and friendly neighbors…

FIC: Where the Wildflowers End by excoyote, for Chris9065
When Sam was born, Dean saw in color for the very first time.

ART: May you live in interesting times by amberdreams, for kirathehyrulian
A comic book story in three parts, based on the prompt Dragon!Sam and Dragon!Dean hanging out and saying "S'up!" to each other.

FIC: The Cost of Hunting by red_b_rackham, for zara_zee
Dean wakes up strapped to a bed in a white room, and the last thing he remembers is screaming as Michael took him over. Now he can’t tell if he’s trapped inside an archangel-induced hallucination or if he really did break apart.

FIC: Karaoke King by dizzojay, for DLWinchester
exactly why does Crowley look so smug in ‘that’ photo…?

FIC: Let Them Be Buried by Lennelle, for interstitial
Sam’s recent stint on a psychiatric ward weighs heavy on both brothers and, really, they could both do with a good night’s sleep. Nothing is ever so simple.

ART: He who hunts alone by emmatheslayer, for spn_summergen
Dean comes across a ghost while hunting alone.

FIC: Orphans by brightly_lit, for stardustdean
After John dies, a young Dean and Sam are kidnapped by hunters and taken to a crumbling stone abbey that sits on a cliff above the sea. They're separated. Dean's situation is bad ... but what the hell are they doing to Sam?

FIC: Sammy's First Day by hootiepgh, for septembers_coda
Young Sam’s first day of kindergarten doesn’t go as expected

FIC: Riders on the Storm by tyrsibs, for canon_is_relative
When the bright light broke through, a crack in the ceiling, a lighter flare in the darkness, she didn’t believe it at first. It was a trick, a cruel joke, made to raise hopes and then crush them again. But the light grew stronger, became tinged with purple and red, and she saw some of the prisoners around her grow still.

FIC: Read the Bones by womanoflettersinthebunker, for gigis89
Rowena-when she was just a struggling single mom trying to make the best of the crappy hand life had dealt her.

FIC: Stepping Out by theatregirl7299, for backrose_17
Sam takes his first steps.

FIC: boy wonder blues by birdsofthesoul, for brightly_lit
Jack and Kevin share a moment of understanding.

FIC: Man in the mirror by merenwen76, for amypond45
Jakob Pond cannot believe his ears when he hears the man's voice, which he hates more than anything else in the world. One shot - different POV - for Season 14 Episode 7

FIC: The Small Tale of Tiny Sam by tammyrenh, for borgmama1of5
Sam’s working too hard and it’s Dean duty to distract him. An accident in the library that was not (totally) Dean’s fault, the search for the remedy for Sam’s little problem and a hunt for a smoke monster might all add up to a slightly bigger distraction then Dean was planning on.

FIC: Shackled Souls and Forgotten Flowers by shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod, for hootiepgh
“I am the devil, Dean Winchester,” he says as he takes a few steps forward, back straight and domineering. “Did you really think anything made by human hands would be enough to take me off the board?” Lucifer can’t help but smile as from within the recesses of his vessel, Sam Winchester’s weary, tattered soul screams.

FIC: Well Respected Men by boysinperil, for birdsofthesoul
Dean Smith and Sam Wesson abscond for a life of hunting without tendering their resignations. How does hunting work in a Prius?

FIC: Never Meanin' No Harm by verucasalt123, for sakarrie
He doesn’t have time to listen to voicemail, but he’s got five missed calls from Cas and one from Eileen. Zero from Sam. Dean knows exactly what that means.

FIC: An Englishman in Lawrence by jj1564, for dizzojay
Arthur Ketch is staying at the bunker and treats the brothers to a genuine home-cooked full English breakfast. Arthur Ketch might actually be Dean's favorite person in the whole wide world right now. // Even as a child, Sam knew that if something suspicious looking had a tag that read 'eat me' on it, you probably shouldn't. Dean however, could never resist anything sweet

ART: Saving People, The Family Business by bluefire986, for giacinta2
Saving People, Hunting Things, The Family Business. In this world, Sam stayed in college and became a lawyer who does a lot of pro bono work for those in need. While Dean fulfilled his childhood dream to become a firefighter.

ART/FIC: Hasn't It Happened Before by DWImpala67, for annie46
While on a job, Sam and Dean get stumbled upon another SPN Fan Convention.

FIC: move forward by chris9065, for womanoflettersinthebunker
Prompt: Sam died during Stanford but comes back as a ghost, being able to even fool people into thinking that he's alive, even believing it himself and even fooling Dean when he comes to Stanford. But at some point, Dean (and Sam) have to face the truth.

FIC: Greetings from Somewhere by GiGiS89, for emmatheslayer
A glimpse into John Winchester’s time in the service. For the prompt ‘John’s time in the service. What does he do? What was his uniform?’. There’s only brief a mention of his uniform, but I hope it’s otherwise what you hoped.

FIC: Freedom by bagelcat, for jj1564
Prompt "AU Sam and Dean hunting in Florida without the aid of Daddy's money or a hunting network." HunterCorp was the family business but now, what do they really want?

ART: Once Upon a Time in the West by cassiopeia7, for spn_summergen
[The] prompts were super fun to realize. Ruby! Sam! Old West! Michael!Dean! The only things I couldn't work in were the were-creatures and the abduction. But maybe Michael!Dean's in town to do a little abductin' ... who knows?

FIC: Tyger, Tyger by wetsammywinchester, for thnks_samulet
Sam can’t remember a time when he didn’t dream of fire.

FIC: Anything by interstitial, for zubeneschamali
Remember when Sam said any other demons who wanted to be King of Hell would have to go through him? What if the demons took that seriously?

FIC: Blue Shift by zara_zee, for amberdreams
Larry Winston, overnight security guard at the American Museum of Natural History, is having his very own, real life, Night at the Museum experience and he seeks out Sam and Dean’s help. While Sam is geeking out over the museum’s newest exhibition, Dean is delighted by the chance to play a starring role in a real life action-comedy; but comedy soon turns to tragedy, and it’s hard to tell which Winchester is hurt worse. The only thing that’s certain is that this hunt is going to be a battle against time; in more ways than one.

FIC: Hellbound by monicawoe, for juliasets
Sam is in Hell, and then he isn't. He's standing on a sidewalk with a stranger looking back at him-a stranger that has his face.

season 6 AU Written for these two prompts: The guy says he's Dean's brother, but Dean's an only child. He doesn't even know any "Sams." / Dean can’t see or hear or feel Sam, even though Sam is right there. Dean is blind and deaf to any evidence of Sam’s existence. Sam about loses his mind trying to keep Dean from doing crazy reckless stuff-some to solve where Sam is, some just because Dean is Dean.

FIC: Our Shadows Taller Than Our Soul, by canon_is_relative, for tyrsibs
Every clanging step down the Bunker stairs feels like taking another step back in time. Always does.

FIC: Saint Jude Would Say by thnks-samulet, for de_nugis
It will cleanse him, he thinks, as it burns his mouth and throat and stomach. It will boil within him, burn that which does not belong, and replenish him.

FIC: Rowena's Apprentice by backrose_17 for tammyrenh
Rowena had known from the moment she laid eyes on Samuel Winchester that there was so much more to him than he and his brother thought.

FIC: In Jeopardy in Georgia by DLWinchester for tifaching
The boys take a case in the Great Smokey Mountains and discover something dangerous- surprise!

FIC: Falling Slow by ladykiki, for Lennelle
Turned out, being connected to God came with some complications.

FIC: The Listeners by de_nugis, for finchandsparrow
There is a crack in everything, that’s how the mice get in.

FIC: Our Own Lives and Nobody Else's by finchandsparrow, for kalliel
When Dean is halfway to hell, he and Sam hunt a half-dog, half-man, while Sam struggles with memories and instincts that are only half his own.

Dean’s in a good mood. You’re trying to be in a good enough mood, to find the balance between qualified denial and sober recognition. You’ve been at that for six months-long enough to realize that there is no good balance. Every ratio is destructive; you choose the destruction.

FIC: Road Trip by tifaching, for boysinperil
Dean's got some cash, some alone time and the Impala. Time to hit the road.

ART: The Best of Both Worlds by amberdreams, for DWimpala67
What if the heaven where Zach sent the boys was how it should be, with the Winchesters together from the start? This is how it might look.

FIC: Double Oh Seven Vacation Days by alyndra, for merenwen76
Sam and Dean are offered a week in a beach house in the Hamptons. Who's got it out for them this time?

FIC/ART: In the Pines by stardustdean, for theymp
It's no surprise that Sam walks out on Dean after finding out the truth about his kitsune BFF. And it's not a stretch to imagine he doesn't want to hear from Dean again. But Dean can't let the thought of his brother go. It's a good thing, too, because Sam's not just royally pissed. Sam's missing.

FIC: The Lord's Work by themegalosaurus, for monicawoe
‘Lazarus Rising AU: Sam did bring Dean back. The felled trees around Dean's grave were a result of it, and Sam doesn't want to confess how he did it for a very good reason.’

ART: WINCHESTERS IN SPAAAACE! by quickreaver, for cassiopeia7
... at the late night double-feature picture show ...

FIC: Play it Again by kalliel, for bluefire986
This is not an adventure, but you can make choices. (Maybe you don't always end up here. But riddle me this: What's so great about "over there"? Don't you like your brother, Sam?) Choose Your Own Adventure riff on mid-S1.

FIC: Don't Judge a Book by its Criminal Record by sakarrie, for alyndra
The prompts I included were: Someone who lost a loved one in the Leviathan!Chesters shooting spree (or other Winchester-related tragedy) encounters them on another case and comes to realize they don't know the real story, Cops arrest Winchester(s), shenanigans ensue, and "No, I am not a pyromaniac...KILL IT WITH FIRE NOW!!!"

FIC: The Omnipotence Paradox by stardustdean, for wetsammywinchester
Soulless Jack is a capricious God. Sam has something to say about that.

FIC: Everything That Rides Below the Surface by zubeneschamali, for themegalosaurus
Sam and Dean are on a hunt in Missouri, and Sam's been having these strange dreams. There's no way he can tell Dean or Dad about them…until the creature they're hunting makes it impossible to hide any longer.

FIC: Fangs for the Supernatural Memories by TheYmp, for quickreaver
Assigned to make a documentary about a day in the life of the infamous Winchester brothers, a filmmaker follows along with Sam and Dean on the search for their missing father.

FIC: latromantis by juliasets, for ladykiki
On the hunt for a cure for the Mark of Cain, Sam and Dean are cursed by a god.

If you haven't had a chance to read/view some of these yet... what are you waiting for? :P

If you find any errors in this post, please don't hesitate to let us know!

2020:art, 2020:fiction, masterlist

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