Title: A Horseman Comes Riding
Recipient: amberdreams
Prompt: Winchesters and the United States Civil War
Rating: PG
Warnings: Usual show spookiness
Author's Notes: Timeline? What time line? Alternate Universe before Castiel joined the family and the whole Heaven/Hell mess started.
Word count: 1130
Summary: It was the perfect wedding venue -
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Comments 27
I love that this piece takes us through the "not quite a case" and other sloppy moments of hunting, what with the crashing through bushes and ending up unexpectedly soggy. Frankly, it's probably these moments that give the Winchesters their mettle when it comes to surmounting insurmountable odds. They've trained well in the art of pursuing something JUST IN CASE it's not futile after all. <3
And I can see why the groom might have wanted to make a bouquet of oleander--it actually does bloom very beautifully. My mother has some in her yard, and the flowers are a gorgeous bright pink or pure white. A great wedding bouquet! Except for the murderousness of it all, heh. ;)
Thank you for this! And I love the Winchesters lingering in the hazy background of the title card image.
I've had my own experience with the beauty of white oleander - the sap made my hands break out in a nasty rash. This of course started me thinking of people who might have a worse allergic reaction than I did.
Fabulous honey, she's gonna LOVE THIS!!!!
I'm glad you liked it.
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