Title: Wasted Years Recipient: monicawoe Rating: PG Word Count: ~4,500 Warnings: Mild violence and language Author's Notes: Thanks to tumblr user angstyteenagesam for the beta
Oh this was wonderful, mystery writer. I enjoyed the case and Sam's powers, loved the ending conversation especially. Someone like Tracy advocating Sam's powers as potentially beneficial is great.
And this: "Azazel,” he corrected automatically. “Aziraphale is from Good Omens.” Was gold ; )
I so wish Show would remember that Sam was psychic to begin with. Thank you very much for this!
I like the idea that Sam's old psychic powers would be reawakened by something like this, and how you've used Tracey as a means to get Sam to see that this might actually be something he could use rather than fear. She was an interesting character and it's nice to see her developed and given a bit more breadth than the show allowed.
" You know, I have had a life outside of hunting. Had a job. Had a house. Went to college, even."
Loved that you brought back Tracy, and her not-exactly-instant acceptance of Sam, first as a qualified hunter, then as a potential ally, and possibly eventually as a friend down the road.
Comments 16
I like the way this chick thinks!
I enjoyed the case and Sam's powers, loved the ending conversation especially. Someone like Tracy advocating Sam's powers as potentially beneficial is great.
And this: "Azazel,” he corrected automatically. “Aziraphale is from Good Omens.”
Was gold ; )
I so wish Show would remember that Sam was psychic to begin with. Thank you very much for this!
Okay, that bit made me laugh. Boys. <3
" You know, I have had a life outside of hunting. Had a job. Had a house. Went to college, even."
Loved that you brought back Tracy, and her not-exactly-instant acceptance of Sam, first as a qualified hunter, then as a potential ally, and possibly eventually as a friend down the road.
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