Welcome to the Supernatural Summer 2008 Gen Fic Exchange!
We're back for another summer of Supernatural gen fic. Please read the rules below carefully, and let us know if you have any questions at all.
This post is not for signing up; the sign-ups post is
1. This exchange is for Supernatural gen fic. RPF (real-person fic) is not allowed. By "gen" we simply mean stories that do not focus on romantic or sexual relationships, although those relationships may be a small component of the story. If you're not sure your idea fits, email us and ask, or take a look at
last year's master list to get an idea about what's appropriate.
All other types of stories and genres are welcome: angst, crack, past-fic and future-fic, case files, brotherly bonding, AUs, character studies, monster studies, monster-of-the-week adventures and character studies, comedies and tragedies and everything in between.
2. This is an anonymous fic exchange. If you sign-up, you will be assigned to write a story for another participant based on a selection of prompts, and somebody else will be assigned to write a story for you. You must be willing and able to write a story based on somebody else's prompts and preferences as described in the sign-ups. The identities of the writers will be kept secret at first, and we (the mods) will post all of the stories.
3. All stories must be at least 1000 words in length, and they must be spell-checked and proofread for grammar and punctuation. If you can't do that yourself, find a beta who can. There is no maximum length, but the story must be complete by the deadline. We reserve the right to send stories riddled with errors and mistakes back to the authors for cleaning up. This is an exchange, and we want to make sure everybody receives the best possible story.
4. This is the schedule:
~ Sign-ups are open from now until May 15. You can sign-up by leaving a comment on
here with the information requested in that post.
~ Assignments will be sent out by May 22. You must provide a working email address in order to receive your assignment.
~ Stories will be due August 1. That gives you six weeks to write. When you're done, you'll send the finished story to us at spnsummergen @ gmail.com. We'll provide more information on the formatting and headers required when it gets closer to the deadline.
~ We (the mods) will start posting the stories anonymously on August 4. We'll post one or two stories per day until they're all up. When all the stories have been posted, we'll reveal the authors' names, and authors will then be free to post and pimp their stories elsewhere.
Any questions? Leave us a comment here or email us as spnsummergen @ gmail.com.
Now for the fun stuff: