spn_summergen is wrapping up!

Jul 11, 2007 12:47

The last spn_summergen story has been posted!

All we have left is the Big Reveal. That post will go up tomorrow (Thursday, USA time).

Please DO NOT advertise your story yet. We'd like to reveal authors' identities all at the same time, so please be patient for just a little longer while we put together the master list.

In the meantime, we have 59 fantastic stories posted here; if you haven't had the opportunity to read them all, here's your chance to catch up while they're still anonymous. :)

Also, if somehow a wire got crossed somewhere and you signed up but did not receive a story, let us know asap - comment here or email spnsummergen @ gmail.com.

Thank you ALL for participating, and remember to look for the Big Reveal post tomorrow!


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