more reports from eyecon!

Apr 06, 2008 16:36

baileytc tells us more about the boys at eyecon:

Gabriel Tigerman immediately endeared himself to me last night when he was introduced before the Ten-Inch Hero screening by coming around the large movie screen, spotting the crowd, and involuntarily saying "Oh my God!" Total deer-in-the-headlights look. I hope someone caught that on camera.


Gabe said that he knew that Andy had "arrived" as a character when a friend showed him an Andy fanfic. Which happened to be Andy/Ash. Gabe said that when he met Chad Lindbergh here at the con for the first time, it was like running into an old one-night stand. Hee. BTW, Gabe was a delight, and his background in improv (he started out with the Groundlings in LA) really showed when he managed to make even ridiculous questions interesting and funny.

ok, i have no more words for these boys! XD i like to think maybe that fic was from our little comm!

rp otp, gabe, andy, otp, chad, ash

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