Title: The One With The Thing That is Possibly a Horta (but Possibly Also a Rancor)
Author: Sophie /
razorxrosary for the
anywhere_road AU
Pairing: Andy/Ash
Rating: PG-13
Word count: ~1094
Warnings and Disclaimer: Please see the
anywhere_road community
user info.
Notes: Thanks to
virtualinsomnia for the beta. For your reference:
the Rancor is from Star Wars, and
the Horta is from Star Trek. I have no idea what the monster in this fic is actually meant to be. Also: kind of crossposted, sorry.
Summary: Andy is going to die in his van with a redneck stoner who is actually some kind of computer genius, both of them gored to death by something that vaguely resembles a pig left to melt in the sun.
On reflection, it's probably high time Andy accepted his life of evil twins, psychic powers, and angry road kill.