ADMIN: Housekeeping

Aug 04, 2006 02:12

Thanks to everyone who answered my poll!

I am anal and fond of organizing. From here on out, all entries will be posted with the following first ALL CAPS lead:


(They'll be tagged and memory'd as such, too. Spoiler posts will also continue to be memory'd under their ep title).

Majority rules; the news posts will be public, tell everyone! The spoiler posts will remain members-only. The profile and links bar have been updated to reflect this.

It's split pretty openly as far as how many posts per day, so how about a compromise? ONE news post per day per all-caps lead (except for spoilers, of course). I'm not here to spam your flist. :)

Questions? Comments? I'd love to hear them. And if you volunteered to help me out, thanks so much! I'm especially looking for people who can scan things in the future, because I have dialup and that never works well.

news/jensen, admin, news/jared, news

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