Jeffrey Dean Morgan University

Sep 12, 2006 16:47

Come Join Us and Have Fun While Voting

Well everyone get in line
and join JDM University. Were you will learn how to use the voting system at and help get JDM to number one where he belongs.

We even throw parties

We are proud to announce the opening of JDM U, a newly accredited center of academic excellence with state of the art facilities located at We are pleased to announce that 3 of members from the message board,, jdsgirlbev  Winchesterfan and Tigereye69 have been hired into important positions.  jdsgirlbev is the Dean. Winchesterfan is Director of Human Resouces and will be a founding member of the Department of German Studies. Tigereye69 has been appointed as Director of Public Relations. Registration for classes are now underway. Initial classes will focus on VOTING 101. Classes will commence tomorrow at 6.00 P.M. EST/5:00 P.M. Central and will continue nightly at the same times. When you get to the site ask for the Dean.

6.00 PM - 8.00 PM EST (3.00 PM - 5.00 PM PST, 5:00-7:00 P.M. Central)
Preregistration is encouraged at: To make it a faster voting/learning process

Come Visit Us at JDM U

JDM is waitng for YOU

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