Firstly - oooo, pretty new header at the SPN_SCFI page!
phantomas did a good job, I think. Very stellar, with pretty boys! (And John!)
An older rec, and a newer one:
Thea (
thassalia) is working on a SPN/SG1 cross-over.
Floodlights on the Highway is the first bit, in which Cameron and Vala go to a car show, and run into a Winchester. She has a
follow-on piece as well, which she warns is more or less WIP and subject to revision. But I think her Dean characterization is stronger in the second bit, and that her writing is lovely over-all. (PG-13, bob (gen with het-elements) for both bits, set S10 in SG1, I think, but not so many other spoilers.)
If you like it, please encourage her to continue.
Also by Thea - a
Valentine sent by Dean to Aeryn Sun. (SPN/Farscape) Funny and cute.
And in the last few days,
sevenfists has added to the SPN/Firefly universe she started with "Weight and Motion" -
Rind and Core R-for-language, Five Times Mal Doesn't Talk About His Feelings. (R, Dean/Mal, 3500 words)
My favorite of this series continues to be
Wild and Unwise, a tag to Weight and Motion. (PG-13, Mal/Dean, 3000 words) This bit has space, Dean swearing, Mal swearing, Zoe being all competent and laconic, and mechanical repairs. As with all of this universe,
sevenfists hasn't convinced this reader of the Mal/Dean relationship. (Mal's harder than most for me to buy in a slash relationship, and Dean pegs me as extremely straight, and extremely not into 'relationships', so it's an uphill climb for anyone.) However, the voices and the other characterization is so solid, I'm easily able to look past what would otherwise throw me completely out of the story.