Scene Hunt

May 02, 2010 20:08

Hello everyone. So I'm looking for several scenes (with Sam, Dean or both) :

1. The boys fighting in a cemetary at night or anyplace that looks like it could be a cemetary like a forest with a few trees.

2. Any scenes with the boys in an abondonned warehouse or in a basement or in a cave.

3. The boys fighting/running outside, at night, anywhere except in a forest.

4. Sam and Dean fighting in a house at night (preferably fighting some kind of ghost/spirit)

5. The boys fighting in a basement in daylight.

and two non fighting scenes :

1. A close up scene of Dean or Sam doing research on a computer.

2. A scene of Dean sitting during the day and looking at someone sitting next to him. If anyone watches Buffy, I want a scene of Dean matching the scene where Buffy reveals to Spike that she thinks she was in heaven (episode 3 season 6)

Thank you all in advance !

theme: romance & flirting, theme: fights & arguments, scene hunt: sam, theme: roadmaps & signs & books, scene hunt: dean

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