Scene hunting

Jul 30, 2011 09:31


Looking for a few things that might or might not exist - any suggestions gratefully received.

#1 - Any scenes where Sam moves Dean out of the way - I have the Sin City clip, but I'm looking for anything similar or maybe Sam steers Dean to a specific chair?  Also anything where Sam seems to move away from Dean on purpose - don't sit/stand so close -  that sort of thing.

#2 - Any shots of a bloody shoe. preferable just the shoe, empty of a foot!

Specific scenes.

Dean handing Sam a gun - I have the shotgun in Hook Man, but I'm sure there's one in season one where Dean hands Sam a pistol?  If visuals help I think Sam then tucks it into the back of his jeans - *thud*-  hehe, I don't need that part, but it might help jog someone's memory - god knows mine seems to have left the room.  Any other one will do though, except Heart.  :)

Just episode titles would be wonderful - a brief description of whereabouts in the episode would be even better.

Thanks very much.

scene hunt: sam, scene hunt: dean, scene hunt: general

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