Title: Life is a Lemon (and I want my Money Back)
Username/Penname: C.M.S. Cipriano (A.K.A.: Capt. Insanity over at MST6K)
moonfairyhime Pairings: None
Rating: We’ll stick with PG-13 just to be on the safe side. Warning: Death fic
Word Count: 1, 978 words
Time frame: The following story is AU from Faith. What’s the AU mean in this one? Sam didn’t make that phone call we saw in the episode.
Summary: John Winchester learns the hard way what his obsession has done.
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, blah, blah. Kripke is God, blah, blah.
Author's Commentary: This idea came to me in all places, the shower. One line just hit me and I said ‘By George, that’s brilliance!’ This is part of the spn_s1_ficathon over on Livejournal. I know I’ve written a story before with the same title, but this one is different. Plus the title is kind of necessary on this one. Please to enjoy.
Life is a Lemon... click on this for some fun...)