Author name:
monicawoeArtist name:
quickreaverGenre: het
Pairing: soulless!Sam/Ruby, also featuring Dean Winchester, Meg, Eve, Crowley, Castiel, Raphael, the alpha vampire, Death
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~41K
Warnings: blood-drinking, gore, demonic true-forms
Summary: As a reward for her loyal service, Lucifer brings Ruby back from death. When Sam throws himself into the Cage, Ruby slows his fall - just enough to grab a hold of his body, but not his soul. Together, they hunt the ever-increasing monster population and uncover evidence that Crowley and Castiel might not be as antagonistic as they seem. As the situation unfolds, Eve's interest in Sam piques and she gives him a gift that changes the very essence of what he is.
Thanks: to my lovely beta
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