2011 SPN Masterlist

Aug 10, 2012 22:51

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Art by vongue Fic by disturbinglynic
Dean has always been able to turn into a cat and Sam has always wanted to pet him. One day Sam does without even realizing it and changes their relationship forever.

Art by petite_madame Fic by afg1
Shifting priorities make for an interesting road trip for Sam and Dean.

Art by glenien Fic by wine_into_water
A fallen angel makes no sound when it hits the ground.

Art by lightthesparks Fic by geckoholic
A circle of Satanists in Alabama is preparing a ritual and doesn't even have the decency to be coy about it, the Winchesters try to save a few teenagers while laying low and battling their own issues, and as usual, things go somewhat south. - Established Sam/Dean, set in current canon (sometime after 7.07, but before 7.09).

Art by glasslogic Fic by cryysis
The seperation hurt. Coming together was even harder.

Art by miki_moo Fic by misachan
""The two of you are so stubborn you've made
Heaven blink." Finally convinced that Sam and Dean will never say yes and accept their destinies, Heaven and Hell come up with a new plan, one that will redraw the Apocalypse and make everything run much more smoothly. All they need is Dean Winchester's soul.

Art by sailorhathor Fic by ladyoneill
no romantic pairings
In an AU of Season 6, Dean leaves Lisa after only a month and returns to hunting. He stumbles across something too horrible to believe, ends up at the Campbell compound, and starts training his three cousins, all the while keeping a terrible secret from them. A secret hidden behind a door that he warns them never to open.

Art by chef_geekier Fic by belladonnanoir
Gabriel wants nothing more than Castiel to relax, to learn to live life to the fullest. What happens when he finally manages it?

Art by glenien Fic by katiebugs18
Dean never knew Heaven could be so lonely.

Art by sailorhathor Fic by lies_unfurl
One morning, Dean wakes up with the marks of a crucifixion victim on his hands. Things go spectacularly south from there.

Art by reliand Fic by write_light
Sam & Dean (lightly implied wincest...it's that codependent issue)
It's a story about that unhealthy relationship between Sam and Dean. How, just as always Sam can't cope with his brother being gone.

Art by eyestoowide Fic by lavendergaia
Dean doesn't know what he'll find at the end of the road. Even more surprising is where he ends up before he gets there.

Art by lightthesparks Fic by storyspinner70
When John's old Marine buddy calls for help, the boys don't even have to consider it before they head out - after all being raised by a Marine is just as good as being a Marine, right? But once they're on a base teeming with fear and suspicion and confronted with soldiers kept on edge and waiting to be shipped overseas, can Sam and Dean focus enough to do their job?

Art by rumrouz Fic by race_the_ace
Gen: Sam, Gabriel, Dean, Bobby
After Dean dies, Sam prays. Gabriel answers.

Art by nyxocity Fic by lotrabc
With Lucifer’s triumph over Michael, the gates of Hell fell apart, and in the wave of demons that issued forth, Dean Winchester lost his life. Years later, as Lucifer nears victory in Heaven, a changed Sam Winchester presides over a ruined world below, pushing the forces of humanity and Heaven toward extinction. The war is nearly over and nothing stands to alter its course, until Sam hears the reports and the rumors of a man and he knows-his brother is back.

Art by farfadine Fic by crazybeagle
Gen, none (Characters: Castiel, Ruby, Dean, Sam, Bobby)
AU of 7.02. The Big Bads have disappeared without a trace. But Dean, Sam, and Bobby know that things are never that simple. They know it for a fact when they find two dark-haired children, one wearing face of a former friend and one wearing the face of a former enemy, lying on the panic room floor....

Art by shichiloaf Fic by claudiapriscus
Dean runs into Cassie four years after he last saw her. She's a little surprised to see him, considering the many and varied reports of his death. He can't say the same. Some things just have clocks ticking on them from the moment of inception. It only makes sense that this would be one of them. Mild spoilers for season 5.

Art by la_fantomette Fic by jaimeykay
After absorbing the souls from purgatory, Castiel dream-walks in Dean's head, determined to gain Dean's love and respect. Caught between dreams of his mother, hell, and the Cas he used to know promising to get Dean out, Dean wonders how long he can hold out, even with Sam and Bobby's resolve to find the solution. But Castiel knows all of Dean's weaknesses - and how to use them against him.

Art by skylar0grace Fic by dark_roast
Season Three AU. Deviates from canon after episode 3x13 (Ghostfacers). A mostly-gen casefic (with a little bit of Dean/Bela). The fic takes place in March of 2008, shortly after Bela steals the Colt, and two months before Dean's crossroads deal comes due.
Late one night, Dean vanishes from a motel room, leaving behind signs of a struggle, and a very worried Sam. When a gorgeous brunette crossroads demon materializes and demands to know where Dean and Bela Talbot are hiding -- Sam and the crossroads demon quickly realize that neither one of them is responsible for Dean or Bela's disappearance.
Sam reluctantly agrees to team up with the crossroads demon. They follow Sam's single, thin lead to a Caligari House, a very private and exclusive auction house that shifts between dimensions to avoid "unpleasantness."
But Sam must find his brother before dawn. If he doesn't, Caligari House will vanish... and it won't reappear on Earth for another two centuries.

Art by nanyakanya Fic by misslucyjane
For six months Dean has thought Castiel was killed by the Leviathan, but a little girl with an artistic bent insists Castiel is alive and can be saved. Dean doesn't know how to save someone without a monster to fight, but Castiel is in need of rescue nonetheless.

Art by midnightheir Fic by liliaeth
After surviving the demon attack in Colorado, Victor Henriksen has to learn to cope with the new realities of his life. When a case involving monsters ends up on his desk, he has to decide how to deal with it.

Art by rubystandish Fic by aur_in_hue
After getting a talk to from Gabriel, Sam decides that it time he tell his son about his uncle.

Art by bellatemple Fic by raths_kitten
Dean/Castiel, Sam/Anna
Set in a fantasy world, Sam and Dean still hunt ghosts and monsters. Just not in the way you think. Their lives are shaken up when they meet Anna and her brother Castiel.

Art by emlyn2 Fic by cydsa
Cas comes back and needs Dean's help,

Art by craww Fic by xpnkitty
Castiel/Meg, unrequited Dean/Castiel
Just because the apocalypse was a flop doesn’t mean that the war’s over, and just because Lucifer’s gone doesn’t mean that all is lost. There’s a new god rising up the ranks; Meg knows a good thing when she sees it - And how to get it. (Set before Season Six.)

Art by quickreaver Fic by monicawoe
gen; Sam, Dean, Alistair, Castiel, Ruby, Lilith
This is an AU that begins during 4x16 'On the Head of a Pin' - opening dialogue is borrowed from that episode.
Sam killed Alistair, but not before Alistair reminded Dean of who and what he'd become in Hell. Dean knows Sam can take down Lilith, and he'll make damn sure Sam gets strong enough to do just that. They'll stop the Apocalypse -- together, no matter how many bodies stack up, or how much blood is spilt.

Art by viviantanner Fic by faithburke
none, it's gen
It’s not really a time paradox. Father would make him clean that up. This is just a quick outsourcing of research for a weapon that can kill anything.

Art by dearthursday Fic by hipokras
Dean x Castiel; Sam, Gabriel, Balthazar, mentions of Michael, Anna, John
You meet the love of your life in the unlikeliest of places, in the unlikeliest of ways. For Castiel, it was while chasing down the thief who stole his sister's parasol. Dean has secrets, Castiel is conflicted by duty, and did we mention he's already destined to die in 1789?

Art by caz2y5 Fic by inalasahl
Dean is plagued with memories from hell and goes to see Death for a solution.

Art by teniboha Fic by special_k414
Sam/Dean, Deanna/Samanth
"They lead different lives, know different people, but it all comes back to the same thing--family. The Colt is still missing, and Lucifer is getting closer to his goal. In a last ditch effort, Castiel sends the Winchesters back in time to retrieve it. Its holders, however, were not exactly what they expected."

Art by 79chevyimpala Fic by verucasalt123
Sam/Alcide, Dean/Eric
The Winchesters travel to Bon Temps.

Art by serenada_art Fic by alwaysamyfic
Dean's not really supposed to have favorites, or to intervene, but Castiel is special. (Nod to Wings of Desire/City of Angels.)

Art by sailorstarshine Fic by autumn_lilacs
Gen, with background het
Dean doesn't remember much about the childhood boat accident that scarred him for life, and talking about it drives his father to drink. Tired of his aquaphobia having total control over his life, Dean decides to face it head on, and meets a merman named Sam in the process.

Art by reapertownusa Fic by cherry916
None, Dean, Sam, John, OC
Sam's thrown for a loop when suddenly his average day is turned into a crash course on how to be a father and how to love his own Dad again.

Art by griseldajane Fic by ebcdic
Dean wakes up to find himself on a bus. An endless, flat landscape flashes by the windows, the sun burning his eyes. He doesn't remember getting on the bus. Doesn't remember anything except his name and a vague sense of missing something. There's something clenched in his hand and he opens his palm, examining it. It's a compass.

Art by chaosraven Fic by tabaqui
AU set immediately after 'Jus en Bello', in which Victor Henriksen lives, and things go a little differently.

Art by ileliberte Fic by painted_pain
Dean couldn’t breathe, the taste of ash on his tongue, filling up his lungs. He couldn’t breathe.

Art by sarahtoga Fic by hiddenvice
Nothing of importance seems to have been changed. Sam and Dean were born, were raised as hunters, started the Apocalypse, stopped the Apocalypse, imprisoned Lucifer… But the birds - the birds are bothering him. // Episode 6x17 from Castiel’s POV.

Art by tringic Fic by lazy_daze
Sam/Dean, Sam/OFC
Investigating a town rocked by an unusually high number of scandalous sexcapades, Sam and Dean run headlong into an ancient sex magic that leads them into a sexual...adventure of their own.

Art by deadflowers5 Fic by insertcode11
Set in season 2. A skyrocketing body count of murdered models bring Sam and Dean to Tattoo Magazine's NYC office where Dean is mistaken for their next model and, inadvertently, the next victim. However, as the case evolves so does the escalating tension between them.

Art by adrenalineshots Fic by delanach
Set in the Spartacus Blood and Sand universe. Seven years after Dean lost Sam, he finds him again, but the brother he thought was dead has changed. He's now Crowley's champion gladiator. Dean and Sam have to learn to work together to prepare for a fight to the death.against an unbeaten champion.

Art by honeylocusttree Fic by keerawa
When Dean made his Deal, he hadn’t expected to spend the last weeks of his year this way.

Art by glasslogic Fic by losttheirbones
Dean/Sam, Dean/Kubrick, Dean/Castiel
stop. breathe. hold back the fire. your name is dean winchester. you are alone in the world. breathe. clutch the bottle tighter. the only company you have is the hallucination of your dead brother. the fire is coming -- STOP. this fic is not in second person.

Art by chef_geekier Fic by moonofblindness
Bobby's monthly poker game with Kali, Gabriel/Loki, and Crowley.

Art by bellatemple Fic by _bluebells
Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, John Winchester, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Pamela Barnes, Rufus Turner, Bela Talbot, Chuck Shurley
Real evil exists, America, but evil, like any corporation, can be managed.

Art by lamapan Fic by twenty_rooks
minor robo!Sam/OMC
Sam and Dean are on their way home from finding Crowley's bones in Scotland when they're drawn into solving a mysterious disappearance in a small Scottish village.

Art by chibifukurou Fic by discreetmath
When Lucifer chooses to let Sam go and back down from his fight with Michael, God returns him to Earth as a human. Castiel takes him in, and he does his best to help Lucifer adjust to a life without his grace. Lucifer doesn't always make it easy on him.

Art by chaosraven Fic by rivkat
Castiel is covetous of Sam, but thinks his feelings are purely possessive and asexual. He's an angel and therefore above all that earthly desire shenanigans (or so he assumes). Despite that, he wants Sam's fidelity which Sam would be okay with... if sex were part of the agreement. Sam suggests they experiment with what kind of sexy times Cas might be okay to compromise with. It turns out that Castiel is not as immune from those kinds of things as he originally thought. I'm not looking for any kind of d/s scene, but I would like Cas being toppy and Sam being pliant.

Art by mizra Fic by wolfling
When Castiel is trapped in Purgatory, what are the Winchesters to do except go in and get him out? But there's more than just the leviathan to worry about there, and finding the way home demands more than just fighting their way through.

Art by artmetica Fic by morganoconner
Dean/Castiel pre-slash
Dean's best friend has gone missing, but that's not actually his biggest problem. No, his biggest problem would be the guy with the fifteen-foot wingspan and too-familiar blue eyes that just crashed through his window.

Art by medicatedmaniac Fic by baba_o_reily
Dean is a cop investigating a recent string of unexplained and bizarre murders. Castiel is an ex-priest and exorcist turned detective who has come to investigate the murders. But when has anything ever been as it seems?

Art by tringic Fic by bree_black
Not only did that idiot angel kill Meg, he also tore a hole in Purgatory, and since she doesn’t exactly have anything better to do at the moment, Meg decides to repair it. It’s a long trip across Purgatory, and when she arrives at the home stretch Meg is less than thrilled to find a goody-two-shoes angel on pretty much the same mission.

This layer of Purgatory is home to the souls of all the dead children who couldn’t get into Heaven, which says a little something about the kind of kids they are. To reach their final destination Meg and Anna must navigate an abandoned, booby-trapped amusement park designed to terrify them. Though a first they decide it’s every woman for herself, they soon realize they’ll need to work together to survive.

Art by midnightheir Fic by blackrabbit42
none. Characters include Jared, Jensen, Bobby and Balthazar
Jared and Jensen get pulled into the world of Supernatural during the filming of The French Mistake. Hijinks ensue as Bobby sends them on a wild goose chase to get them out of his hair. But they’ve got some talents that Sam and Dean never dreamed of using, and they may just surprise Bobby in the end.

Art by serenada_art Fic by sophiap
none (Gen); Castiel, Kali, Death
Castiel made a promise to Dean after returning the souls to Purgatory, but actually keeping that promise will be far more complicated than he ever could have imagined.

Art by lonewined Fic by moonliteknight
Castiel/Dean, Gabriel/Sam
Sam preferred law over chocolates. Dean liked chocolate (especially chocolate pie) but was more comfortable with cars. But when John takes an impromptu vacation, they must take over the family business or risk losing it to the sleazy ice cream shop owner Lucifer.

Art by gnatkip Fic by atanih88
A break to get his head together doesn't quite go as planned for Dean Winchester. Maybe he shouldn't have chosen a place where killer plants are dragging people away. Oh. And Sam shows up.

Art by tv_boyfriends Fic by tigerist
They kill Eve and all would be nice and well if not for the fact that world isn't the way they thought it would be - neither is Dean. Almost helpless after the spell he had to cast, he depends entirely on his brother, trying to believe that this time Sam will come through for him.

Art by sillie82 Fic by jennytork
Sam and Dean are called to a zoo by an old friend. Animals -- specifically reptiles -- are becoming very aggressive. Can the brothers figure out what's going on when Dean becomes the victim of one of the most dramatic attacks yet?

Art by pinkelephant42 Fic by starryfif2
This is a fluffy apocalypse fic. Because it is an apocalypse fic there is minor and major character death. There is a happy ending. [spoilers:]
Sam kills himself in order to save the world. Dean and Sam share a Heaven just like in Darkside of the moon. Dean is not dead.

Art by nanyakanya Fic by thunder_nari
Castiel finds himself left in the middle of a frozen mountain with no memories of who or what he was. With only the help of his spirit guide, the white wolf Gabriel, he must find his own path through the mountain to where home calls for him. But home might not be a 'place' at all.

Art by avienica Fic by xrai_namere
High School AU. Cas is in hospital after jumping out of a window to escape from zombies. Except that there aren't any zombies, only Cas' over active imagination. Dean is beginning to despair of his boyfriend. Meanwhile Lawrence High's Zombie Survival Club is staking out the hospital. Just in case the world starts ending.

Art by rubystandish Fic by theblackrose16
Family is supposed to mean something. To Gabriel’s family, it seems to mean war amongst his brothers and sisters. Unable to watch his family tear each other apart, Gabriel had fled to earth. There he had found his friend, Loki. Just when Gabriel had thought things might have been looking up for him, Loki was attacked and fatally wounded. His last request had been that Gabriel take his place amongst the Norse Pantheon. Suddenly, Gabriel had found himself as the new Loki, had six new children and people making offerings to him everywhere he looked. On the bright side, it provided one hell of a cover for him from his brothers that had been searching for him. The hardest part now though, would be explaining all of this to his mate, Sam Winchester.

Art by viviantanner Fic by etrix
Three days after the sexy guys disappeared from her family’s motel, Mandy finally cleans out their room. There are charts on the weather and quotes about demon behavior, but there’s also a bag filled with Mary Campbell’s diaries from the late 1960’s. Mandy stores everything behind the counter half-hoping one of the (hot) McGillicuddy males will come back for them. In the meantime, there’s nothing stopping her from reading them is there? Takes place at the end of season 1.

Art by zempasuchil Fic by alwaysenduphere
Sam/Dean (girl!chesters AU)
femmeslash, always-a-girl!chesters, second person pov, angst, mentions of dean’s drinking and sam’s tendency to use pain as a coping mechanism .

Art by reapertownusa Fic by obsidian_moon
Dean / Alastair & Sam / Jess
Sound doesn’t travel in hell. Nothing but fire and chains, nothing but smoke and sulfur. Nothing for sound to bounce off of, to travel somewhere someone would hear and save him. Somewhere Sam would hear and save him. But Sam can’t hear him, nor save him, not even when Dean is back on earth.

Art by apieceofcake Fic by purple_carpets
none (Gen); Dean, Sam, hallucination!Alastair, hallucination!OFC
It's only a cough, really. Until the cough turns into a fever and Sam gets all weird and Dean starts seeing Alastair and suddenly he's back in hell.

Art by xsilverdreamsx Fic by deanawinchester
When Detective Dean Winchester first meets his assigned Guardian, sparks fly. The Cyberangel named Castiel is the most infuriating being Dean has ever had the misfortune to meet. He doesn't have a sense of sarcasm or humor, but he makes up for it with staring. A lot. Of course, this still doesn't hold Dean back from falling for Castiel, teaching the half-human, half-cybernetic being about the importance of feelings in the process.

Art by casper_san Fic by kijikun
Jo/[ Warning:]Lucifer, Dean/Castiel, [Spoiler (click to open)]Dean/Castiel/Jo
Jo wakes up trapped in Carthage.

Art by teniboha Fic by glovered
Dr. Sexy actor/Dean, Sam/Dean (kind of gen for both)
Sam and Dean hunt Leviathan on set of Doctor Sexy, M.D. Dr. Sexy lavishes attention on Dean. Sam is jealous.

Art by violateraindrop Fic by withdiamonds
It's not enough that Lucifer is popping up in Sam's head all the time, now Sam has to deal with looking in the mirror and seeing his brother's face. Not to mention, he has to listen to Dean complain about being tall. He can only hope that Dean and Bobby will figure out a way to reverse whatever the hell's happening, because it's making Sam dizzy.

Art by cassiopeia7 Fic by a_carnal_mink
Dean/Castiel (+Jimmy)
Jimmy's had his angelic comet ripped out of him. Claire carries a knife these days. The Winchesters still hate witches. And Amelia is wondering about Castiel's taste in men.

Art by cybel Fic by tasogareika
(pre-)Dean/Castiel, Dean (Smith) → Castiel, Castiel → Dean (Winchester)
Living in a lie is hard, but it’s not as painful as being in a relationship that’s bound to fail eventually. Set before 4.17 'It's A Terrible Life'.

Art by salty_catfish Fic by demonic_fish
Dean is an FBI agent who's been trying to take down a crime lord named Alistair for his whole career, and, naturally, things go spectacularly haywire when his cover is blown.

Art by by_moodilylit Fic by glasslogic
The voices in Sam's head aren't the usual ones, and the poltergeist in the glass factory isn't making anything better.

Art by gold_bluepoint Fic by inalasahl
Gen (Sam, Dean)
Sam and Dean bury Bobby.

Art by asmadaima Fic by lavishsqualor
All Sam wants is a little bit of space away from the constant distraction of Dean, his antics, and his Texas-sun-deepened freckles. Things get a little bit crazy, though, when Sam decides to retaliate against Dean's ambushes with his own, and awkward teenage awkwardness ensues.

Art by mashimero Fic by menel
Michael/Lucifer, Sam/Dean, minor Michael/Dean
After Sam and Dean say ‘yes’ to Lucifer and Michael, respectively, the archangels meet for the final battle at Stull Cemetery. But the final showdown proves to be more than either archangel bargained for as they traverse the psychological landscapes of Heaven, Hell and the memories of Sam and Dean. Will Lucifer and Michael bring about the end of days, or will Sam and Dean find a way to stop the apocalypse?

Art by eyestoowide Fic by chef_geekier
Implied future Sam/Ruby
Late season 3, Meg enlists Ruby to help her win a contest against Crowley. Ruby thinks both the higher-ranked demons are insane, but knows better than to say so. Turns out that training a hellhound and training a Winchester have some similarities. When she's in over her head though, it's the Winchesters who help her out.

Art by mithborien Fic by tesserae_
canon John/Mary (gen)
The only way John Winchester can keep Sam safe is to teach Dean to do it for him.

Art by sarahtoga Fic by dear_tiger
none (Gen); Sam and Dean
Sam wears Dean's obsessions and delusions like he wears his old shirts and sneakers. It's not as if ideas are less hygienic than jeans.

Art by affablyevil Fic by wanderamaranth
mild Dean/Castiel and Sam/Jess
The apocalypse didn't go how Zachariah or Heaven wanted it to. But you know what they say: if at first you don't succeed, try again, or "This isn't the first planetary enema we've delivered." When Zachariah traps Sam and Dean in an alternate universe where they are not themselves, they seek help from an old friend they haven't met yet.

Art by tiggeratl1 Fic by canadian_plant
Gen (Sam, Dean, Castiel, Lucifer)
An AU based on the events of season five. The apocalypse looms but Sam doesn't trust himself to hunt. An encounter with Lucifer leaves Castiel intent on ensuring Sam's return to the fight, but is that the right choice?

Art by placeofinsanity Fic by selecasharp
After a busy week, Sam and Dean try to take a break from hunting in Winchester, Connecticut. But before they can even really try to relax, a hunt finds them.

Art by caz2y5 Fic by iantosgal
Dean/Cas, mentioned Sam/Jess
Dean and Castiel are a sniper team fighting in Afghanistan who fall in love. A mission goes disastrously wrong for their unit and Castiel clings to the hope that Dean might just survive.

Art by amber1960 Fic by bad_peppermint
John Winchester always said spontaneous combustion
was a myth. But now, in a case about three dead sisters where nothing seems to add up, Sam and Dean are about to find out that he was wrong.

Art by cybel Fic by think4paperinkw
Sam's been gone for a while, and his nightmares are coming back to him without Dean to stop them, his nightmares of a time in Hell that killed him. Will they continue or will they stop?

Art by nanoks Fic by anyothergirl415
This power was something Sam always had, something he’d honed over the years. It wasn’t even that bad, being able to see people’s future with a simple touch, but it certainly didn’t make relationships very easy. So paying for sex just to feel that connection with someone? It was kind of like Sam’s right. If only someone had warned him just how things would change after hooking up with Dean.

Art by mithborien Fic by smash86
The Apocalypse was averted but the Leviathans were real and horrific and the battle lasted for years. When it was finally over, Sam and Dean had nothing left except each other and the road ahead; but that had always been more than enough.

Art by smut_slut Fic by moonbeamdancer
Sam/Dean (unrelated)
Dean's a bad ass enforcer for Heaven, who finds himself suddenly cut off from the divine grace of God. During a storm he's rescued by a centaur too cute for his own good, and the two of them now find themselves in the center of a plot for the extermination of all life on Earth.

Art by alwaysawkward Fic by metallikirk
None. It's a gen story.
The adventures of Butch Winchester and his trusty sidekick, Castiel the Sundance Kid

Art by amber1960 Fic by emmram
Sam/Lucifer (implied), Dean, a very brief cameo from Castiel
"Freedom became punishment became love became life a long, long time
ago: Sam understands this now, and he will live this life the only way
he knows."

Art by smut_slut Fic by heeroluva
Sam/Dean (no relation)
Dean is offered to a dragon. The dragon finds that Dean's more than just an offering.

Art by naisica Fic by sepherim_ml
Sam/Dean (unrelated)
Dean is a Hunter, who lost his family in a fire and has powers. He travels all around Countries with the sole companionship of Sam, his wolf, with whom Dean has a particular bond. During a particular hunt, Dean finds himself in possession of a very powerful artifact that can change his relationship with Sam forever.

Art by inetux9 Fic by freakgeeknation
Dean/Castiel. Brief mention of Dean/Lisa
When Castiel finally comes to Dean after Sam's demise in "Swang Song", their relationship takes a deep and passionate turn even though Dean is living with Lisa. Unable to hold onto Castiel due to his own feelings of self worth and knowledge of Castiel's bigger purpose than being with him, Dean shuns him, pushing him away and back to heaven. Now on a self destructive path, Dean finds himself without his brother, his lover, and the woman who took him in when no one else would have him. With nowhere else to go or turn to, Dean makes a decision that forces an angel to intervene. Again.

Art by dark_princess17 Fic by entropy_maximum
Michael/Lucifer, past Lucifer/Gabriel
Hell is worse the second time around, with unwanted cell-mates and lots of issues to work out, everything is going to change.

Art by daggomus_prime Fic by elfladyarwen
Dean/Castiel, Sam, Bobby
An insight into the dream world of two sibling hunters and wayward angel when an attempt to break the record for the most repeat watchings of A Christmas Story fails and succombs to drunken sleep. And also what Bobby Singer has to say about all this holiday jackassery...

Art by dusk_light Fic by lizzstomania
Dean's got himself a pretty good life going with Cas (who has a girlfriend, but whatever), until a tall, skinny homeless kid breaks into his house in the middle of the day.

.mod post: 2011, challenge: 2011

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