The Angelic Company

Nov 17, 2011 20:49

Art Prompt Title: The Angelic Company
Art link: Art Masterlist + Fanmix
Prompt Number: 1055
Artist: lonewined

Fic Title: The Angelic Company
Author: moonliteknight
Fandom/Genre: AU, Humor, Fluff, Romance
Pairing(s): Castiel/Dean, Gabriel/Sam
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 11k
Warnings: None

Summary: Sam preferred law over chocolates. Dean liked chocolate (especially chocolate pie) but was more comfortable with cars. But when John takes an impromptu vacation, they must take over the family business or risk losing it to the sleazy ice cream shop owner Lucifer.

pairing: dean/castiel, pairing: sam/gabriel, word count: 8000 - 10000, rating: pg13, challenge: 2011, genre: spn, medium: digital manip, word count: 10000 - 15000

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