Here are the guidelines for submitting your fic rough drafts.
- There is no maximum word count, but your rough draft should be minimum 3,000 words.
- It should also have a beginning, middle and end, and have descriptive paragraphs in place of any missing scenes.
- They are due by Tuesday, November 1, but you may send them in beforehand if you are ready.
- Submissions should be sent to with the subject: Fic Draft Submission. Attach the file to the email. Do NOT copy it into the body of the email.
- You may only submit one attachment. Please combine all chapters into one document.
- Your rough drafts do not need to be betaed at this time, but all fic should be betaed by your posting date.
- Fic can be sent in the following formats: TXT, DOC, RTF. Please no DOCX files.
- Please make the file name your LJ username. For example, if your username was spnreversemod you would title your attachment spnreversemod.doc or spnreversemod.rtf. This will allow us to keep things organized and to ensure no duplicate file names.
You must include the following information in the body of your e-mail:
Livejournal Name:
Prompt Number:
Pairing or Gen:
Main Characters:
Please copy and paste the form into your email to make sure you don't forget anything.
If you have any questions, please comment here, send an email to or send a PM to