Check Ins!

Oct 14, 2022 20:57

Hey y'all, how is everyone doin'?

This is an informal check-in and if you're busy and everything's cool with your collab, don't let me distract you, just keep playing! Fangirling and squee in the comments are appreciated though, so if you could give a quick response to let us know things are coming along nicely and/or to cheer each other on, that would be great:)

If you haven't heard from your partner in a while and have concerns: contact me through the modmail, so we can sort things out. I can't help if I don't know there are issues! (Please use YOUR ART CLAIM NUMBER in all communications!) If I don't hear anything before fic drafts are due (Sunday October 23rd), I will assume your collab is going according to plan. Make sure you and your partner are on the same page and that you both will be ready to share your fanworks together on your assigned date* ( Posting Schedule 2022).

Happy creating!

Schedule, Rules and FAQ | Betas | Pinch Hits | Modmail:

*Details about How to Post will go up when it's closer to November; instructions are pretty much the same as last year, you can find a link to the previous posting guidelines in the sidebar.

.mod post: check in, .mod post: 2022

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