Twenty-four hours have passed since the first round of claims, so
round 2 is now open! This means you do not have to have signed up and authors who claimed artwork in round one can claim a second piece if they want!
(Note: RB artists who want to write, will have to wait until a potential Round 3)
There are still great artworks up for grabs:
In the Either category you can pick an adventure in the Arctic for Misha or Castiel. In SPN there's a naughty Demon!Dean/Sam left for grabs and in the RPF section we have a bunch of awesome... how about Medusa!Jared or dark academia Matt/Jensen? There are also Werewolf!Jared/Vampire!Jensen, CasinoKing!Jensen and two options with Jeff/Jensen, omnomnom.
ROUND 3 of claims with all the still available art is HERE