Scenes from the End

Dec 14, 2019 00:38

Art Title: Desert Rats
Prompt Number: E3019
Artist: quickreaver

Fic Title: Scenes from the End
Author: kimenem
Fandom/Genre: SPN, dystopian AU, gen
Pairing(s): n/a
Rating: PG
Word Count: 10,542
Warnings: implied death, but not Sam or Dean
Summary: When it all went up in flames, screams, and screechers, the Winchester brothers learned to keep their hearts tucked in tight behind iron walls. There was no point in ever becoming a part of something bigger than themselves. Less attachment was better. They had each other and they would survive together.

As they watched the smoke of their little community drift in the air, Dean put a hand on Sam’s shoulder and turned to face him. “You and me, Sammy,” he said, resolutely, “just you and me.”

Art Link(s): LJ
Fic Link(s): AO3

medium: digital drawing, challenge: 2019, pairing: none/gen, genre: spn, rating: pg

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