Damaged Goods

Dec 02, 2019 20:11

Art Title: Damaged Goods
Prompt Number: s2011
Artist: sillie82

Fic Title: Damaged Goods
Author: smalltrolven
Fandom/Genre: Spn
Pairing(s): Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Word Count: 9,397
Warnings: Permanent physical injury.

Summary: Dean might have lost his leg, but that doesn't stop him from wanting to keep on hunting. Much to Sam's annoyance and worry they give it a try and things go from bad to worse to unexpectedly awesome.

Art Link(s): LJ
Fic Link(s): LJ | AO3

medium: drawing, word count: 8000 - 10000, challenge: 2019, rating: r, genre: spn, pairing: sam/dean

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