Where The Old Ones Live/Elementals

Nov 19, 2019 18:02

Art Title: Where The Old Ones Live
Prompt Number: E3007
Artist: Midnightsilvers

Fic Title: Elementals
Author: alyndra
Fandom/Genre: SPN, fantasy
Pairing(s): Team Free Will 2.0 (gen)
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 9,775
Warnings: Minor character deaths, violence, nudity, swearing
Summary: Jack's an ordinary teenager until he meets three strange beings in the woods. Air, fire, earth...but they're missing their fourth, and Jack will never be the same if he listens to who they think he should become.

Art Link(s): AO3 | tumblr
Fic Link(s): AO3

word count: 8000 - 10000, challenge: 2019, pairing: none/gen, genre: spn, medium: digital miscellaneous, rating: pg

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