(no subject)

Nov 18, 2019 03:15

Art Title: Oasis
Prompt Number: E3002

Fic Title: Oasis
Author: nerdypastrychef
Fandom/Genre: RPF, Romance, Smut
Pairing(s): Jared/Jensen
Rating: Explicit/ NC-17
Word Count: 4712
Warnings: underage
Summary: Roman soldier Jensen is sent to Egypt to oversee the marriage negotiations between Caesar and Pharaoh Jared's younger sister. Pharaoh shows him something more interesting to pay attention to.

Art Link(s): https://kirathehyrulian.tumblr.com/post/189140786474/oasis-art-masterpost-please-do-not-repost-or
Fic Link https://archiveofourown.org/works/21469465

medium: drawing, pairing: jared/jensen, challenge: 2019, word count: 4000 - 6000, genre: rpf, rating: nc17

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