Round 2 of CLAIMS! Right here!

Sep 29, 2019 17:00

Third round claims are now open to all - please go to THIS POST to claim

Twenty-four hours have passed after the first round of claims, so here's round 2! ANYONE can now claim a piece and there are still awesome artworks up for grabs. You do not have to have signed up already, and authors who claimed artwork in round one can now claim a second piece!
(RB Artists who want to write, will have to wait until a potential Round 3)

Below is an updated list of available goodies, go get them!


Note: if you are proxying for another person, please state this at the top of your comment - a simple "claiming for [name here]" will be fine. Do not post your proxy claims with your own claims in the same comment; they should be in two separate comments.

  • Prompts will go on a first come, first serve basis.
  • If all of your options are already assigned, you may make a new claim with a further 5 options. DON'T EDIT YOUR COMMENTS. Please. Make a new comment TO THE POST (not to another comment)
  • One author per prompt.
  • If your comment is marked as spam, email me immediately to let me know (at DON'T DELETE YOUR COMMENT! I will be able to catch it and unspam it so it will fit into the correct time it was posted.
  • Double-check your claim and be sure it's correct, too. Above all, be thoughtful and have fun!

Do NOT share the art anywhere else without permission.
Click on the previews to view full size art pieces.
Beware: Full images may not be safe for work, so view with care and read the warnings.

Available RPF Artworks

Title: What Will You Offer Me?
Rating of Art: Mature
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Jared/Jensen
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles
Warnings: Implements of BDSM, Images of Bondage
Short description of art: Jared is an experienced dom. He has everything he could ever want, a great job, prestige, money, he owns his own home, except someone to share that side of his life with. Jensen is a sub who has been hurt by his last dom. He’s still holding out hope that he can find the right dom, someone who will see him as more than just a play thing. Jared is introduced to Jensen one night while at a BDSM club he frequents and a spark of interest is ignited in them both. Jared has to win Jensen over, convince him he is not only looking for a sub, but someone to spend his life with.
Do Not Wants: Top Jensen, Unhappy Ending, Character Death
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: YES

Title: Born Human
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: PG-13 for sexual situations, but R if foul language is used, which is fine
Pairing or Gen: Jensen/Misha
Characters: Jensen, Misha, any actors that have been on the show
Warnings: No warning for art
Short description of art: Misha identifies as a homoromantic asexual. Jensen meets him and he's never dealt with that before, but he's willing to try.
Do Not Wants: no sex or anything leading up to sex
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: YES

Title: Untitled
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R to NC17
Pairing or Gen: Jeff/Brock, Jeff /Colin, Colin/Brock, Jeff/Colin /Brock, poly Otp3
Characters: -
Warnings: -
Short description of art: Jeffrey Dean Morgan is a rich club owner/sugar daddy, Brock and Colin are friends or brothers and work in the bar and fall for Jeff and each other.
Do Not Wants: no hardcore bdsm and abuse, no abo, no mpreg.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: Untitled_2
Rating of Art: NC-17
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: J2 (main), alpha!Jensen/omega!Jared/beta!Genevieve
Characters: Jensen, Jared, Genevieve, any other characters is up to writer (but please no OCs).
Warnings: a/b/o, mpreg, threesome, pregnant!sex, polyamory, slavery
Short description of art: Since omega can only have child with alpha, Genevieve decides buy alpha slave for her husband Jared (30 or older)...can go anywhere you want with this (the more kinky the better). I only ask for dominant top!Jensen and ending where J2/Gen will be happy together, plus I'd like mixed pov!Gen and J2, some hurt!Jensen and protective!Jared.
Do Not Wants: bottom!Jensen (even mentioned), cruel!Jared or Gen, miscarriage/abortion, fragile/weak!boys, fic without penetrative and explicit!sex, death!fic, only Jensen!POV.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes, if time permitting.

Title: Do I Have to Tell the Story
Rating of Art: SFW
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: J2, J2/Danneel, J2/Danneel/Genevieve, or J3.
Characters: Jared and Jensen are in the art; include anyone else you'd like.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Magical punk!Jared is performing a spell among potions/ingredients, books on protection and reversal magic, and a mortar with Jensen's photo in the mix. Maybe Jared accidentally cursed his secret crush and is trying to fix it? Or he's working to protect himself and his crush from a threat? Maybe Jensen is the threat? Or something better that you thought of? Book titles can be easily changed if that suits you better. I'm here for pretty much whatever ride your imagination wants to take us on.
Do Not Wants: Please no non/dubcon for this. And, erm, I guess if you want any hardcore kinks, ask first? Otherwise, I'm not too picky.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Absolutely.

Available EITHER Artworks

Title: This Land Inside My Head Is All I Know
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Gen (if pairing, S/D and J2 are cool:)
Characters: Young Sam Winchester/Jared Padalecki and dragons in the art. Would like Dean/Jensen to be in the story. If SPN would prefer pre-canon or S1-2 characters (young brothers, yay!). If RPF all CW/WB actors are welcome, as are OCs.
Warnings: -
Short description of art: Short description of art: Sam/Jared is holding a tiny dragon and there's a bigger dragon next to him, curling his tail around his leg. Is this a Monster of the Week episode or an AU fairytale? Are the dragons siblings or otherwise related? Could they be shapeshifters; are those wings for show or can they fly? Where are Dean and Dad?/Where is Jensen? What is going on, author? Tell me!
Do Not Wants: no evil John Winchester, please.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes!

Title: There goes God
Rating of Art: PG13
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC17
Pairing or Gen: Gen, Wincest/J2
Characters: Starring Sam/Jared as Beelzebub, Dean/Jensen as God.
Warnings: Male presenting nipples!
Short description of art: Based on the Crowded House song - Don’t look now but there goes God, in his sexy pants and a sausage dog. And he can't stand Beelzebub 'Cause he looks so good in black, in black… Set on a beach and Jared/Sam also has a dog.
Do Not Wants: No underage, character bashing, scat/toilet kinks or Destiel, please. Pretty much all characters are welcome though. If in doubt, just talk to me.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: if time allows, yes.

Title: Pretty women
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: please make this fic R or NC17
Pairing or Gen: Jack/Claire, Kathryn/Alexander
Characters: Jack and Claire or Kat and Alex, Jensen or Dean, Sam or Jared, Misha no Cas unless paired with Sam
Warnings: n/a
Short description of art: This could be an SPN AU of some kind with no magic and angels; just humans no monsters, or an actor AU, it's up to writer. Kat/Alex or Jack and Claire are a couple. Some street outfits and then some glam outfits.
Do Not Wants: Destiel, bdsm, abuse, abo
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: yes

Available SPN Artworks

Title: Hypnagogia
Rating of Art: Mature
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Gen or Destiel (or Dean/the creatures in his nightmare)
Characters: Dean (featured), please do not include Meg, Ruby, or Nick/Lucifer (Casifer or Samifer is cool, though)
Warnings: Nightmares, sleep paralysis, demons, sorta non-con vibes
Short description of art: Inspired by Henry Fuseli's "The Nightmare"-- in which Dean is trapped in the throes of sleep paralysis.
Do Not Wants: fluff, side Sabriel
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: yes

Title: The Child Zanna and the Sad Man
Rating of Art: General Audience
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Gen or Wincest
Characters: Has to have Sam and Dean. Anyone else is up to the author.
Warnings: No warnings apply
Short description of art: Clown-Child-Zanna!Sam uses magic tricks to try and cheer up a devastated Dean, who is understandably shocked at this turn of events.
Do Not Wants: No underage with child-Zanna!Sam, character bashing, scat, or Destiel, please.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: No

Title: Trip of a Lifetime
Rating of Art: T
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: T
Pairing or Gen: Gen
Characters: Dean, plus Sam, and all or any of Castiel, Jack, Bobby, Crowley, and Rowena
Warnings: References to drugs (legal/clinical ones) and their effects
Short description of art: Highly medicated Dean is rather entertaining
Do Not Wants: No deathfic please.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: Something Witchy This Way Goes
Rating of Art: Gen
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Mature (can be explicit, I just prefer M)
Pairing or Gen: Sam/Dean or Sam/any of the witches on the show
Characters: Sam and Dean, any of the witches on the show, specifically the Banes twins
Warnings: No warnings
Short description of art: Sam is worried in front of a mirror? Trapped inside of the mirror? Outside the window? There are witchy elements on the desk and on the shelves. Dean is calling, will it be answered? There's a book open on the topic of Souls. The mug of tea is still warm.
Do Not Wants: Just no extreme ones like watersports or scat.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: YES

Title: Rescue
Rating of Art: PG13
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC17
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Castiel or gen
Characters: teen Dean Winchester, Castiel
Warnings: abused/hurt Dean, harm to a minor
Short description of art: A young and collared Omega Dean, fearful of Castiel who can either be his alpha, or the one who saved him from the one harming him
Do Not Wants: A young and collared Omega Dean, fearful of Castiel who can either be his alpha, or the one who saved him from the one harming him
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: YES

Title: red string of fate
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Sadreel (Sam/Gadreel)
Characters: Gadreel and Sam should be in the story. Anybody else added or excluded is up to the author.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: The red string of fate, connecting soulmates with a string tied to their fingers. Most people are not aware of them, but something happened and they can see them clearly and everywhere now. They expected to see the thread stretched, logically their partner had to be far away, if they even existed, the string could always be cut, indicating of having no mate at all. Instead, Sam and Gadreel's string followed to each other, linking them definitively as soulmate.
Do Not Wants: Rape, character death, BDSM and hardcore kinks are a no go. If possible no sad endings and no PWP, please? No fan of complete AUs (like coffee shop, high school, all just human, etc.) too, but it's not like I'll order anyone around, so that's up to the author.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: No

Title: Dance AU
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: As high as you like.
Pairing or Gen:Cas/Dean
Characters: Dean Winchester and Castiel, but any other characters from SPN are welcome.
Warnings: no warnings.
Short description of art: Castiel and Dean Winchester dancing.
Do Not Wants: don't want wincest
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: No, but you never know.

Title: Rebirth
Rating of Art: M
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Gen or Destiel
Characters: Cas (featured), Dean, Sam. Please do not include Nick/Lucifer or Ruby
Warnings: Mild nudity
Short description of art: Inspired by the book cover for Jeremy Thatcher Dragon Hatcher (my favorite growing up). Cas has just been reborn and is unfurling from his egg.
Do Not Wants: domestic fluff
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: Under The Sea
Rating of Art: Gen
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: E
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Castiel
Characters: Dean, Castiel, other characters welcome
Warnings: no archive warnings apply
Short description of art: A shimmering castle/city under the sea. Human!Cas is looking out of a special, air-filled chamber, while merman!Dean is waving at him/ looking in from outside. Could also be the other way around.
Do Not Wants: MCD, heavy kink, underage, A/B/O, rape/non-con, torture, permanent hurt/damage; temporary MCD as well as angst & hurt are fine as long there’s enough comfort/fluff to make up for it.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes, if inspiration strikes and time permitting.

Title: non-traditional
Rating of Art: T
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Sam/Gadreel
Characters: Gadreel and Sam should be in the story. Author can feel free to add or exclude whoever else they want.
Warnings: Bite marks, alpha/omega dynamics
Short description of art: Traditionally in alpha/omega couples, the alphas did the biting and claiming, never the other way around and mutual bites were virtually unheard of. All the more reason for them to be non-traditional, ignore society and do it like they wanted to in a mutual way as equals.
Do Not Wants: Rape, character death, sad ends
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: No

Title: Let me kiss it better
Rating of Art: T
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Sadreel (Sam/Gadreel)
Characters: Gadreel and Sam should of course be in the story. Anybody else added or excluded is up to the author.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: There can never be enough canon divergent stories! Gadreel lived, Sam takes care of him, though kissing it better is probably not standard procedure after changing bandages… luckily, Gadreel doesn't seem opposed about it.
Do Not Wants: Rape, character death, BDSM and hardcore kinks are a no go. If possible no sad endings and no PWP, please? No fan of complete AUs (like coffee shop, high school, all just human, etc.) too, but it's not like I'll order anyone around, so that's up to the author.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: No

Title: Hunting Kisses
Rating of Art: T
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: SamXDeanXCas (Wincestiel)
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Warnings: Little bit of blood, Supernatural level blood-even milder
Short description of art:
Do Not Wants: Cuddling on the Impala, It's cold and foggy. Sam and Dean giving Cas kisses
Do Not Wants: NO CHEATING, betrayal or anyone being left out.
Strict Top Dean (Meaning only Dean tops) Strict Bottom Cas (Meaning only Cas bottoms) Bottom Sam (I'm okay with switching with Dean and Cas, but no Dean or Cas topping Sam)
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

.mod post: 2019, .mod post: art claims

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